Status: A possibility, a big possibility.

Embraced by Bees

liar, liar, pants on fire

She may have lied to her best friend and fiancée’s sister. She says may because even she doesn’t know if she lied. Then again, her mother had never noticed until she herself started to bulge. The same situation could quite possibly apply here. Genetics, and all.

“Ugh,” she grunted as she planted herself on the toilet. “I’m supposed to be planning a wedding and know I’m worried about… about… this.” Phoebe ran her hand down her face. She was expecting this later on in life. When she was thirty, maybe, but twenty-five was a bit too young for her. “I should postpone any wedding preparations until I’m absolutely sure.”

Phoebe hopped off of the toilet and grabbed the stick that would proclaim what she thought would be true. “It’s not like I don’t want you, if you’re in there, but I don’t… oh forget it. You’d probably be too precious anyway.” She tilted the stick towards her so that she would be able to clearly read the signs. “Well, what the barnacles is this supposed to mean?”

Rather than a yes or no, a plus or minus, a pregnant or not pregnant, there was a traveling ellipsis. The box lay in the corner where she had thrown it after ripping the test free. Her hand padded against the floor until she finally reached it.

This test takes longer than usual pregnancy tests, though it is far more accurate with a 97.2% success rate of determining your pregnancy. RIGHT WAY requires two sit-ins, about 12 hours apart, to diagnose the hormones within your urine. The process takes approximately 36 hours before results are revealed.

“I had to randomly pick the most complicated pregnancy test in the entire store,” she groaned. It was six in the evening then, so she would have to go through another sit-in when she woke up. “Sit-in must mean that I have to pee on the thing again.”

Just as she was hiding the test, she heard the front door slam close. “Hey Pheebs, we need to be ready to go in forty-five minutes!” Phoebe hurriedly shoved the test into her box of tampons. Xavier would never touch such a feminine product.

“No problem, babe. I’ll be right out.”