Don't Leave Me

Chapter 1/1

Pulling her legs into her chest, Cameron wiped the tears from her eyes. It was just after three in the morning and he wasn't home yet. Running her hands down her legs where her black pajama capri cut off, she set her chin on her knees, it was slightly cold, but not enough to make her get up and turn one of the fans on. Brushing the dark brown locks of hair out of her eyes, she tried not to smile, but it was hard. All the memories she had, they were ones she never wanted to let go.

In a pair of flip flops, a skirt and his Kings sweatshirt that she had slipped on in her car before running to the gate and punching the code. It was pouring rain and she was getting soaked while fighting with the system. After the third time punching in the code, the gate opened and she ran in the direction of the apartment her boyfriend of two years lived in. Taking the stairs up to the apartment door, she was slightly out of breath from the short run and the climb up the stairs. Slipping off her wet flip flops she knocked on the door. When there was no answer, she knocked again. Again, there was no sign of anyone making their way to the door. Not wanting to dig through her bag, she turned the knob on the door and found it open and so she walked inside.

“Baby?” Cameron called out. “Are you home? Your cell cut out and I wasn't sure if you wanted me to come over and you can crash at my place or...oh my gosh.”

Feeling the tears in her eyes wasn't something she was expecting. She also wasn't expecting the blanket in the middle of the floor with Fettuccine Alfredo on the plates and candles lit all around. Dropping her bag and shoes on the carpet by the front door, she closed the door and looked for her boyfriend. Feeling a pair of arms wrap around her from behind Cameron let out a small squeal before feeling a pair of lips press against the skin behind her ear where her first tattoo was. It was a simple star but Alexander loved kissing that spot and she loved it when he did so.

“Are you surprised?” the Russian accent, ever so evident in his voice.

“What's this for?”

“We've both been busy and I thought we deserved to have some time, just the two of us without my friends and without your friends around.”

“I like it when its just the two of us.” Cameron said placing her hands on top of his hands.

“I do too.”

“So is the power really out or was that your ruse to get me over here?” she asked as she dropped her hands and turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I missed you.”

Placing a kiss on the side of her mouth, she could feel the smile forming on his lips. “I missed you too, but dinner is getting cold and-”

Placing her lips on his, she brought him closer to her. A month without seeing him or kissing him was not what she liked. He had been gone on a road trip and she had left to visit her family that she hadn't seen in awhile. It was nice to have a break from work and the horrible traffic in Los Angeles. The people in the small town she grew up in hadn't changed since she left all those years ago. Being back home was nice, but she missed Alexander more than she thought she would. So being in his arms felt so good again and she didn't want to let go.

“I'm not going anywhere,” he told her. “So we can eat now. I've been waiting for you since I called an hour ago.”

“You did all this for me?” she asked, as he unhooked her hands from his neck and kept one of her hands in his.

Lifting it up, she watched as he kissed the side of her hand, near he thumb ring that she wore all the time. “I love you.”

Looking into his eyes, she wanted to cry from the love she saw in his eyes, but knew she couldn't. She knew he loved her, he had told her many times before and he knew she loved him back. Had she not felt anything for him she probably would have bolted at the first sign of commitment from him.

Back when they first met, Cameron knew that he was something special. And the first time he kissed her at midnight at a New Years party, she had a feeling that things with this hockey player could only get better and she was glad to say she was right.

Feeling the tears form in her eyes, she was terrified that he might not be coming back. She knew that she had been selfish in asking him for something that he might not even truly want. But if he were to leave, she wouldn't be able to follow him all the way to Russia, so she asked him to stay. If she were honest, she nearly started to beg when her pleads for him to stay seemed fruitless. She didn't want him to resent her for wanting him to stay, but if he went back to Russia to play hockey, she'd be missing a part of her and there would be no getting it back. He was the love of her life and if she lost him, she knew she wouldn't be able to stay in Los Angeles without constant reminders of him.

All she wanted was for him to come home, to the apartment they lived in together for the past six months. Moving in had been a huge step for her to make, but she did it because she hated splitting her time between the two apartments, especially since she spent more time at his place than her own.

Getting off the couch, she walked over to the front door and made sure it was locked before turning around and walking down the hallway. More tears fell from her eyes as she remembered how one horrible day had turned into a night that she would never forget.

Walking into the apartment she took off her heels and shut the door behind her. Tossing her keys into the bowl near the door, she dropped her bag as she noticed the red and white rose pedals. It was a trail of them. A smile crept onto her face as she followed it down the hallway and into their bedroom. Taking off her jacket, she tossed it into the hamper before walking back towards the trail that led into the bathroom.

Opening the door, she was in awe. That was the only way she could explain it. There he was, with a grin on his face as he held out a glass of white wine to her. Looking at the tub filled with water and bubbles, she took the glass from him and set it down on the counter before hugging him to her. It was so thoughtful of him and it was unexpected which made it that much more special. Feeling his arms wrap around her and his head move down and place a soft kiss on her neck made some of the stress leave her.

“What is all this for?” Cameron mumbled into his chest, not ready to move.

“I called you at work and your friend said that you weren't accepting calls. I knew how stressed you were so I thought that maybe you'd like a little less stress when you came home.”

“I honestly don't know what I did before I had you in my life,” Cameron said. “But there is something that I would love for you to do for me.”

“Anything.” he said as she moved her head so he could look at her.

As his hand moved her hair out of her eyes, she smiled at him. “I want you to join me in there. I want to relax with the one thing that matters the most.”

“The point is to make you relax.”


Nodding his head, he dropped his arms from around her and lifted his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. “I love you.”

Hearing the key in the lock, she turned and looked back at the door as it opened up. Crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes that were tired from crying met his. She didn't know what she should say anything or let him speak first. Her stomach had butterflies and making say anything to him harder.

“You should be sleeping.”

“I-” Cameron started, unsure of what she should say to that. That's when the tears started to form again and fall from her eyes. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tell you what to do. The choice has to be yours, but when I look at you I'm happier than I have ever been and knowing that could end if you go to Russia, well I just didn't want to lose you.”

“I made my choice before you said anything today.”

“Okay.” Cameron said as she moved her hands to wipe away the tears on her face before she started to walk back towards the bedroom.

He matched her steps and grabbed her hand making her turn and look at him. “I love you. When I look at you I see the life we will have together.”

Cameron's eyes went wide at his confession. “I'm-”

“We aren't ready to be married, I know, but I'm not going to Russia. I'm staying where I can be with you.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buried her head into his neck. “I don't want to lose you. Please don't leave me.”

“You won't and I won't.”

Feeling the butterflies leave her, she couldn't help but feel relieved that he was staying and things with them would be okay after all.
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I hope this turned out well.
Let me know what you think!!
Wish me luck!!