


There he was. The boy lost in his thoughts on the swing. How cliche right?
It can't be helped Im afriad, much like the way I forget to breath when I'm around him. I didn't go upto him, just observed him from a distance, the greetings could be done later, for now I just wanted to drink him all in. Sometimes it hurts how beautiful he is, not just physically but mentally as well. I love the way when he has a conversation with you he actually stops and thinks, puts all his effort into it. I know it frustrates him if he doesn't get it right, trust me it frustrates me even more to hold back from crashing my lips against his.
Do you have any idea how hard it is, to capture his beauty in simple words?
To sit here on this bench hidden from view, and watch him wait, still trying to take in the fact it is me yes little old me he is waiting for?
He's not an artist or a poet with girls swooning at his feet, he's just a regular kid, who is outrageously good looking, but not in your normal way.
Of course like all teenage boys he tries to keep track of apperance, his hair always has that safe clean smell and like a soft duck's feathers when you run your hand through it, his ears are gauged up to the nines and you can see him trying to pull of the bad boy look with his black hoodie rolled up at the elbows, torn jeans and scuffed converse. But that doesn't amount to anything of his beauty.
His true beauty lies behind it all, and its that which no one notices, which makes him even more precious to me, my very own secret that everyone is too blind to see.
It's the way his neck arches when he looks up at something, exposing the smooth suple skin and the base of his throat that makes you just want to lean in and take a bite.
His breath-taking smile always makes me forget my anger, his shy little giggle as he tries to steal a kiss makes me want to protect him for all dangers.
What grabs onto me the most though, makes me certain no one else could ever fill his place is when he holds us together, foreheads pressed close, fingers laced, and simply whispers, "hi".
♠ ♠ ♠
Mush much?
Comments please kids or I wont post more chapters.