

You slammed her up against the wall, my god it felt good. Her small body pressed up against yours, the heat radiating from her, the pressure. Best yet was the heart rate, you can feel it speed up, feel her body speed up in the rythem to it, her chest moving up and down providing you with a more then aple view of her bosom. Oh she knows you like it, she knows you want it so she shudders just for you, allowing her breasts to be more exposed as her too-large shirt falls of her shoulder.
She looks at you, half smiling, a hint of fear in her eyes, overcome by that look of want. This girl knows how to turn you on. She stood proped up against the cabinet, her arms holding her up from behind, a lock of hair caught between her teasing teeth, her body pushed back, her neck and upper chest exposed, damn you wanted a bite, a lick, anything. You wanted to consume her. Her skin so pale, so porcelian, contrasting with the dark rouge of her swollen lips, her skirting riding up her thighs, that soft flesh pulled so tight over her small bones, but yet ample enough to show the curve of her body. Her legs so appealing, encased in those red fishnets, which were obviously for show, but also later for the tease, big holes ripped in them that reminded you that this was not her first time, there were standards but she was willing to let you have a go. It was amazing, you look at her feet shrouded by thick army boots, and never expect to see those pale legs attached to them. Your gaze moves further up to the shadow of her skirt, you cant help but run a hand against the fishnet flesh, there for the friction, your finger snags in one and you feel her body twitch forwards towards you.
Deciding the fishnets are hindering you, you move your hand further up to rip them off, then relise they have no hem, they are cut offs. You smirk as your hand touches her smooth suple skin, the only bit of fat on her is at the top of her thighs. You move your hand inwards, to the part of her radiating all that heat. Her breathing stops. Oh yes you've got her now. You let your fingers crawl over her panties, smiling at how wet they already are. One finger slips in, you graze the back of it down her front of her entrance. She wants more. So do you, but will you give it so easily? Didn't think so.
You pull away smiling, releasing her body from yours, just as you think you've got away, she grabs your hips and smashes you back into her, tilting her neck so your mouth lies on her coller bone.
Well needs must. You suck on it, slowly moving up her neck, up that creamy skin, only imagining how creamy she is elsewhere. A small nuzzle under her ear earns a girlish giggle, whilst a sharper, faster graze on her throat causes her to grind her hips against you, moaning softly into your shoulder.
Something primative snaps in her eyes as you carress her body, lips nipping and sucking, tongue tracing. The sweat drips from her perfectly shaped chest incased in that oh so flimsy black lace. You growl softly as you lower your face to her bra and pull on the ribbon holding the contraption in place. A sharp tug of the teeth and its falls softly to the floor, showing you a most pleasurable sight. A loud scream pierces the thick atomsphere of lust as you catch a nipple in your teeth. She likes that, alot. She catches you off-gaurd, slipping a hand up your shirt and yanking it off in one smooth manouver. The cool air dries the sweat on your skin and you shiver slightly, no longer in control. Her hands roam across your back, soothing the cuts and grazes she made earlier, her pretty artwork as she likes to call it.
Her finger snags on the clasp of your bra, and in one defiante swipe its off and gone, leaving you just as exposed as her. She trails the back of a nail down the front of your chest in a straight line to the top of your skinnies. She toys with the button, smirking up at you under hooded lashes. With her free hand she plays softly with your hair, framing your face with it smiling softly. Soft lucious lips come closer towards your face, dangerously close to yours, a whisper breezes across the surface of your mouth, "Pretty girls shouldn't play dirty". You close the gap swiftly, claiming her lips just as her hand finds its way under your jeans and grabs you from below. A thumb strokes you, you groan on her lips, eyes fluttering in pleasure. The two of you slam against a wall, mouths fighting for dominace, backs arched, breasts pressed up one another, fingers striking a ryhthm. A gasp. She's found your spot. A scream. A moan.
Utter sinful pleasure.
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