Status: New story! Working on it, going to be good! (=

Soaking Up the Sun in New York City

Not Such a Bad Night


Some of my closest friends and I all have one thing in common- we've been abused by our families for lord knows how long, I'm different from all my friends, and this is my story.

"Fuck you, fuck me, fuck all of us." Those used to be the words I lived by, but when it comes to my closest friends, those rules are anything but. When I was at that tender hormonal age of 10, my family abused me, calling me names that no little girl should ever be called. I had no toys, no dolls, no pets, and certainly no meat on my bones. I started 'hanging out' with these girls that made fun of me, calling me names and such. There were only two reasons I ever looked in those bitches directions. 1.I had no friends, they were all I ever had. 2. I'd always looked at them like they were the 'popular kids', in fact they were. By getting together with them, it made me feel 'cool'. By the age of 15, I was already smoking. It seemed to make the pain of living with my abusive family go away, and although it didn't, I couldn't seem to stop.
By the age of 16, I started doing some pretty extreme things, drugs,(not just tobacco, but some pretty heavy shit.), shoplifting, and by then, even the girls from when I was ten didn't like me. By then, I knew I had to change. I started taking pills that helped me stop smoking, and I was still desperate to find someone I could call a friend. Soon, I found a group of peers who had the same problem as me. Over time, we developed a plan to run away from all of our problems, and find a better life then here,in Indianapolis. We were going to NYC and we were going to remake our lives and forget the past. This is our story.

Manni, the youngest, at 10 years old, pulled on my hair. "Knock it off." I said calmly.
"Bite me." she said, pulling at my hair harder.
"Stop it, now." I said, firmly.
"Why don't you eat my butt?" she hissed.
She pulled out a wad of my hair. "STOP." I said
"Nana nana boo-boo" she giggled.
"Bitch." I muttered. She gasped quite loudly.
"I'm TELLING." she squealed.
"Tell who? Last time I checked, your parents are in a trailer in the middle of frickin' Indianapolis." I yelled, scowling. She scowled right back and stormed off. I patted human on his head. Yes, I know human is a weird name for a cat. But I'll remind you he is my cat, and my name is Kat, so...You must be a tard if you haven't figured out the joke yet... I put some posters around my room. I put a Short Stack poster behind my door...I realized then that I wouldn't be able to see their beautiful faces, so I put the poster above my bed. I put a Green Day poster on my left side, then I put a Never Shout Never poster above my empty rat cage. Yes, It's true, I used to have a pet rat named Melon, but he got to big and I had to let him go into the woods. It was kind of sad, but he had to go. I'm thinking about getting a pet bunny. It's a possibility... I shut the door, dimmed the lights, and then put on Zombieland.
I wondered where the others were, they promised they would be back in a few hours, and of course, I hate Chinese food, so I didn't go with them to eat at some place about fifteen minutes away called Chang's.
Media's, (Otherwise known as my #1 crush's) sister had to stay behind though, because they said she was too small and there wasn't enough room in the van, while some seats were at the cleaners. Manni came in and sat next to me on my bed. "Sup." I said. Manni can be a real pain in the ass, but I love her to death sometimes. "I was thinking..." she said.
"Yeahh?" I said back.
"Can you dye a pink checkerboard into my hair?"
"Tomorrow." I said.
"If I make some popcorn, can I watch Zombieland with you."
"I'll hit pause." I smiled. This may not be such a bad night after all...
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Keep reading and promise you'll understand this more!!!