Every Girl's Dream

Dance Dance

Well my day started with waking up to my alaram, which is theis really cool crystal that lights up and plays the song that best fits my emotion that I wake up with. That day I woke up to Dead! by my Chemical Romance. As it just so happens to be, I did want to be dead that day. It was my sisters wedding, she was getting married to this nerd guy Josh. He is so annoying! All the time he is trying to tell me that being so unhappy is bad for my health. Ive lived like this for 13 years of my life and I have the power to take over the world if I want to, you would think I would know how to handle myself! But no, no one understands me, even some of my friends dont get it all the time. Except for this one guy. His name is Bill. He is a vampire and lives in this mountain range of three extreemly huge mountains just off of my fathers land. Its so cool, all of the vampires live inside these mountains. I especialy love his house in the middle of the mountians.
Oh, FYI, I like to give out random background information (like now for instance) so just bear with me if I get a little off topic. So anyway, my sister is getting married and according to her she would "simply be heartbroken if her baby sister wasnt there to share this special day in our families histotry." Well let me tell you something, this is already a special day! Its the day beofre my birthday and its a tradition that we celebrate teh day before our birthdays just the same as we would celebrate the actual day. But my stupid sister had to go and be selfish and decide to have her wedding on this day. Shes selfish and im sorry!
Well, atleast I got to pick my own dress. How horrible would it have been if I had to wear some pink fluffly gown! I had my mom's seamstresses make me a silver strapless dress woth black lining and this silver and black crown with matching black ballet flats. I would rather had worn black converse but I never get anything my way. When I slid down the spiral staricase after comming out of the fitting room if ound the Grand Hall bustling with people putting up baby pink decorations and opening all the windows to let fresh air in. It made me sick. What are my friends going to think when they show up? Oh, my mom could tell i was mad about the whole wedding thing so she said I could invite 2 or 3 friends. I invited six.
I was bored already and it ws only the begining of the day. So I flew to the basement (which was my room) and popped up some cinnamon buns. Turning my laptop on and getting crumbs everywhere I heard a soft knock at my window.

"Bill!" I yelled as I opened the window for his little bat self.

Stepping back, he turned to his human form and swooped me into a hug.

"Wow you look like a girl today." he snickered while eyeing me up and down.

"oh stop it!" while hitting him with the back of my hand I noticed he was wearing something other than his normal attire of jeans and a dark colored tshirt.

Bill actually looked nice today. He had his normaly longish wavy brown hair combed back and he was wearing black pants with a black buttoned down shirt and a red tie. Being that he had been to my place manny times beofore he made himself comfortable on my bed and began messing with my computer.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked leaning up against one of the random poled in my room.

"oh nothing" he reasponded casually. "just looking at what you post about me in yout girl journals online"

"hey!" I yelled grabbing the computer from him. I have never posted anything about him in my private journals on www.gaiaonline.com.

Thats the thing between us, he's more than a freidn, hes like a brother. No, im not in love with him. Well, I dont think I am. Bill just always seems to make me happy when hes around.

"Isabell, Isabell" my mother called from the stairway.

Laughing cmae from beside me. I looked down and gave my well known glare. He shut up real fast.

"yeah mom?" i sounded anoyed

"oh, dear Isabell, I did not not know one of your guests had already arrived." now she gave me the glare. "Wellcome William, we are so glad you could make it.

"My pleasure fair lady" oh that Bill was a suck up. A big fat suck up.

"ok mom maby you should leave now, we can all get back to our buisness. ok Buh bye." i attempted to push her up the stairs when she boomed on me.

"now young lady you have guests waiting upstairs in the Grand Hall. I see you go get them and entertain them till the bells ring to announce the start of the wedding do you understand?" She looked furious.

"yeah mom" I squeaked. once she left Bill and I burst into laugher. Its so funny when my mom trys to be demanding. Wonce we had stoped our insane laughter I poofed us up to my upstaris bed chamber

"why are we up here, we are supposed to be down there getting all the guys and starting a party"

"No dummy, dotn you know the richest girl of all is supposed to always make a supreme enterance?" I grabbed him by the arm and swiftly pulled him to the spiral staricase where I could see my friends waiting three stories below us.

"are you sure we should... ahhhh!" before he could finish we were sliding down the staircase.

The only thing I forgot to do was tell him how to land. I slid off and landed gracefully on my feet, Bill came plowing down into me.

"Bill! Dotn you know how to land?"

"No, you never told me how!" all my friends were laughing as I brushed my dress off.

"Ok ok it wasnt that funny. Follow me downstairs." Everyone piled behing me down the flight of staris.
There was Kendsy (witch), Laurie (vampire), Chris (vampire), Bill (vampire), Ally (witch), and Elle (part pixie, part vampire). I frowned, my room still looked like a room. Using magic, I pushed all my furniture and crap into the walls and snapped up a couch, flat screen TV with all the works, an air hocky table, and a long buffet of food.

"yous sure do know how to throw a partie dont you" Kendsy was eyeing up the food. Laughing i turned to her and said

"go on, I know how much you like cheese doodles" she rushed over to the table and made herself a plate of the puffy, cheesy snacks. I knew Chris was glaring at me. That was another of my powers it was like I could see from the back of my head.

"you can have a cheese doodle eating contest with Kendsy if you wnat to, Chris." Sure enoguh he ran right by mea nd sunk his fangs into the doodles and almost everything else on the table that didnt include garlic.

Everyone else was ingaged in a match of ari hockey so that left Bill and I standing in the middle of the room.

"I never thought you could forget to add your favorite thing in the world to your party." The second after Bill made that comment the TV was playing the music videos of all my i-pod songs.

It even played the songs withought music videos and just showed colors on the screen.

"What about TAI TV?" he asked so i stopped the song and put a TAI TV in random places in the playlist.

"Happy now?"

"extreemly" It was saddening to see him look at me like that.

Ever since the beging of this year everyone has been telling me that he has a cruah on me. I didnt believe them. I dint want to. It was hard to. We had been like best friends forever. Since when did best friends turn into a romance? As he looked into my eyes, smiling his sweet smile, I tripped for him. Quickly I got myself back up, though I had been hurt in my trip. I think i sprained something because his smile mad me ache. Why did it have to be like this? Its like, everything we had when he was just my friend was no longer there. (yeah i took that from The Academy Is...) I looked down. I just couldnt be taken in by his gaze any longer. Your probably thinking "why dosnt she just say she loves him back, she obviously does." Bust its not that easy. Imagine that your best friend was a guy (i know, scary for all you people whos best friends are girls) and suddenly after ten years of being best friends, he said he loved you. How would you feel.

I felt hurt. Ok, not hurt exactly, but confused when i found out. Did I like him? Would it last? What if we broke up, could we still be best friends? So now, looking at him, those questions swam through my head and I wanted to cry. It was the same feeling I got when I listened to Everything We Had by The Academy Is... . I felt like I was going to cry for no reason at all.

"Um, im going to my dressing room. I need to, uh, re-do my eye make up." I turned aroud and headed for the door but ran straight into my girl for life, Anna.

Bill may be my best friend/lover, but Anna was my true sister. I sware we were split apart at birth. Thats how alike, close, and natural we are with eachother. I stood there in front of her and it took her one glance to know something was wrong.

"follow me" I whispered to her as I passed by.

She grabbed my wrist and transported us to my upstaris chamber. (btw, Anna's a witch)

"Girlena, whats wrong?" Sitting next to me on my bed, she wrapped her arms around my crying body.

"its Bill again!" I wailed " I know he likes me, no, he dosnt like me, he loves me Ann! But i have no clue what to do. I think i like him but its so hard to tell if i love him! What if I dont love him and go out with him and break his heart! Anna!" burrying my head into her arms I cried.

After about a minuet or so I lifted up my head to show a hurt and tear stained face with mascara flowing down on both sides.

"Sally dry your eyes. it will be ok" she pulled a tissue out of the air and wiped my face, removing all evidence of my tears. "let time take its course. If he asks you out go for it ill be here ok?"

"Yeah i guess"

"Now come on hes downstairs waiting for his princess." Next thing I know were both standing in teh middle of my room and the party is still going smooth.

"Lets dance" I hear from behid me. Sure enough its Bill.

Once again hes giving me a sweet smile. I turn to Anna for reasurence and she sends me a mind message.

"like I said, go for it" Clsoing my eyes and taking a deep breath I reasponded.

"Sure" he took my hand in his and led me to where everyone was dancing along to The Church of Hot Addiction by Cobra Starship.

I started dancing and strutting around my room. I was having way too much fun when I heard the bells ring.

"Sorry guys, we gotta attend the wedding. But I promise we will come back here afterward." At that they all left through the portal Anna and I were making that led to the weddign area, which was actually the court yard.