Status: This story will have short chapters and will not be very long as a story. Depending on how well this goes over there will be a sequel and/or a prequel.

Bleeding Words Never Die

Happy birthday my baby sister. You will soon be seventeen, and one year away from being an adult. I know how confusing this age is, but try going through it as a guy! Momo, I am giving you this diary as a way to vent your feelings. I had a journal when i was your age, and it helped me a lot. Don't hold your problems inside. Let them bleed onto the pages within. Please use this diary and take care. I love you so much kid, hope to see you soon.


Harmony Kestrel has one fucked up life.
Her mother died of cancer.
Her mother's favorite book was The Catcher In The Rye.
Her brother left her to go on tour with his friends.
Her father makes her life seem like a living hell. He abuses her both physically and verbally.

Harmony has one friend, who's name is Ash.
Ash is Harmony's one true friend.

When Harmony's mother dies, she is tempted to read this classic novel.
How can a book and one stupid diary help her through her difficult times?

Disclaimer - This is an original story. I own the plot and all of the characters, except for Holden Caulfield; who is owned by the deceased J.D. Salinger.
  1. Date: October 30, 2004
    Time: 1:37 a.m.
  2. Date: December 2, 2004
    Time: 11:03 p.m.
  3. Date: December 25, 2004
    Time: Varies