
Just Let it Pass

Annese touched my skin like an angel might do, her grace fully captivating me. I ran my hand up and down her arm, adoring the beautiful contrast of her dark skin against my lighter coloured skin. She blew me a bubble shaped like a heart and tucked it inside of my rib cage for me to hold onto forever. Her beautiful personality seemed like a gorgeous kaleidescope when the sun hit it just right.

Blocking my view of the flowers behind her, Annese stood in front of me with our fingers intertwined. Somehow the world seemed like it was captured through a heart-shaped lens, with Annese as my guide to love, loss, and despair.


She was cut up with guilt and blood. Inside her room she lay on the ground, me trying to get a hold of the fact that she might be gone sooner than later. Silently I dropped to the never-ending ground with my face in the cloudy skies and my heart inside the cage of metal.

My eyes were wet with the tears that built themselves higher and higher with the loss I had found. Why would my beautiful Annese do this to herself? I wasn't sure I should be asking myself dreadful questions that I already knew the answer to. She had depression, which caked over her life and her bubble heart she sent to me.

Bubbles always break, I thought to myself as she was put in the screaming death machine.
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Word count : 246
Total so far: 732