Status: Complete

Dreams of Someone

Meeting Again

Rachel Ellis

I hugged my jacket closer to my body when I felt the rain began to fall, slowly at first, and then gradually building until it was completely pouring over the city. I hate days like this, I thought sullenly as I tried to hail a taxi. I was in the middle of eating dinner at the Cafe with Jason when I got a call from my law firm. One of my clients' hearings had been moved to two days from now instead of on next Monday like originally scheduled. I had to be in Boston by tomorrow morning to help prepare my case.

"I'm so, so sorry," I said to Jason after hanging up my Blackberry. "I got called out to Boston for a week and now I have to go pack and book a flight for early tomorrow and..." He kissed me quickly on the lips, stopping me mid-sentence.

"It's fine," He whispered back. "Go do all of your lawyer stuff and I'll be here waiting." I pecked him on the lips, said a quick thank you, and hurried back through the park to the busy Manhattan street.

After being thoroughly soaked by the downpour, I managed to finally wave down a taxi and gratefully climbed into the warm, but extremely grimy backseat. "Where to, lady?" the driver asked in a thick New York accent. I gave him the directions to my apartment and sat back, enjoying a few moments of peace and quiet. Luckily this cabby didn't like to blast rock music or middle-eastern radio shows like most others in the city.

"That's some storm," I murmured to myself.

"Sure is," the driver agreed. "I can't believe they make me drive in this... on a Monday of all days!"

I rolled my eyes. So much for peace and quiet. "Yes, I can see how horrible that must be. Mr...?"

"Gus," he said, "Call me Gus. And horrible? Oh it's worse than that, honey cakes. Try pushing seventy on a busy city street in the middle of NYC when you could be enjoying a nice cup o' Joe at home. I can't believe I even work for these bast..."

"Turn here!" I cried when I realized he was too distracted to notice the turn. Gus turned the steering wheel abruptly, causing the car to almost hydroplane on the wet road and barely missed hitting a large suburban that sped past the intersection.

I felt my neck whip around violently as I fought to hold on, when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I smiled when I saw it was from Jason: Hey, baby. How's the storm treating ya?

I struggled to keep my phone in my hand as I texted back: It's treating me like an angry female dog. And I think my taxi driver is trying to kill me. I was about to press the send button when I realized the storm was actually beginning to subside until all that was left were the drops falling from the roofs of buildings. Good thing the rain is stopping. I added and pressed send.

"Who ya chattin' with?" Gus inquired, looking at me in the rear view mirror.

"If you have to know," I sighed, "I'm texting my boyfriend."

"Oh," he said, as he turned his eyes back to the road. I swear I think I saw a little part of Gus die when he heard I was taken. I felt my phone buzz once again and glanced at the screen. Yeah... I've been just sitting in the cafe waiting for it to stop, and now that it has I think I might just go for a walk in the park :) I laughed to myself. Of course he'd go walking in a soaking wet park.

Haha sounds fun :) But everything will be all wet and icky won't it? You wouldn't want to go walking through that would you? As I pressed send, I could almost see the smile that would emerge on his face when he read that.

Finally, Gus pulled the taxi up to the curb in front of my apartment and I put my phone back in my pocket. "Twenty-seven-fifty." He mumbled with his hand outstretched. I dug into my purse and gave him a fifty.

"Keep the change," I said softly, smiling politely at him as I hopped out of the car. "And please wait here. I'll be right back out with a couple bags and I'll need you to take me to the airport." Gus smiled ever so slightly back and then rolled leisurely into a parking space across the road.

As I rushed inside, I quickly ran the list of things I'd need for my trip through my head: Briefcase, files, toiletries, toothbrush, makeup bag, clothes-both casual and dress... I sighed. Sometimes I really hate my job. It pays well, but all of the frequent flying can gradually wear away your sanity.

After managing to pack up my briefcase, which I then fit comfortably inside my large carry-on that contained all of my things, I felt my phone vibrate again in my pocket.
It clears my mind, and sometimes it feels nice to just sit on a park bench by yourself... although every second I'll be thinking of you :) <3 I smiled to myself and continued reading. I have to go now, baby. I'll try to text you later, okay? Call me when you take off :) I love you <333

I love you 2, I replied, TTYL<3. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door towards the waiting taxi, already impatient to see Jason again.


I opened my eyes gradually as I felt the plane touch back down at Kennedy airport and smiled to myself, glad to be home again. I couldn't wait to tell Jason about Boston: the hearing had gone just as I planned, and I'd won by a long shot. I stood up from my seat and stretched out my arms and legs, listening to the joints crack and pop. I've never liked flying; it always makes me nervous and jumpy. So before every flight I take about five different sleeping pills then doze off for the ride.

Before long, I'd made my way through the busy terminal and was on the sidewalk hailing a taxi and juggling my bag and phone as I tried to call Jason. No answer. I tried again. And again. House phone. Cell phone. At the office. Nothing. Why won't he pick up? After finally struggling into the back of a cab, I decided to go and see him myself. Maybe he's sick and can't get to the phone... That sounded plausible enough.

I sat silently in the car, just looking out at the clear sky, completely different from the week before. After what seemed like only a couple minutes, I saw myself pulling up to the curb outside of Jason's apartment.

Without thinking, I paid the driver, crawled out of the cab and made my way up to the third floor. Third floor, third door, red door, I thought to myself. I always do that to remember things. Lists are good.

Once I was in front of his door, I put down my bag, reached for my key... but hesitated. What was that coming from the other side? Is that... someone talking? It sounded like a woman... it could just be the TV right? Totally plausible.

I put my key in the lock and turned the handle quietly, slowly making my way into the front hallway. I put my bag down by the door, hung my coat in the closet, and went towards the living room. The voices became louder. That doesn't sound like the TV anymore...

I shook off my suspicion and put a smile on my face for when I came face-to-face with Jason again. I rounded the corner to the living room and was about to shout out a greeting when I saw... oh my God.

A small, redheaded woman was sitting across from Jason, the coffee table separating them. But it wasn't the her that caught my attention, not at first. It was the words coming from her lips.

"Reid," she said quickly. "Ryan Reid."

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