Favorite Girl

Because of You

Zack pulled up to Jack's Bar & Grill with seven minutes to spare. He smiled smally to himself. Seven was his lucky number after all. He couldn't explain it, but now that he'd re-met Stacey he remembered how there had always been something about her. Her big blue eyes and her bright smile. He walked in and a host sat him, he checked his watch. Stacey had four minutes. Zack was getting nervous about his 'catching up' date, which made him more nervous. There was nothing to be nervous about. He looked towards the door and noticed Stacey opening the door, she searched for him and he held up a hand. She smiled when she saw him and came his way, Zack took the time in to take in her appreance. She was wearing a black dress and had her long blonde hair pulled back into a low ponytail. Zack stood up as she approached the table and pulled out her chair for her. She smiled and sat down.

"Thank you." Zack sat back down and shook his head.

"Not a problem. So, how was the rest of work?" Stacey smiled again.

"Slow. I had time to develop the photos though. They look awesome."

"That's great."

"Yeah, so, what about you, how was your day?"

"Oh, so, you're a fan wanting some inside scoop, huh?" Stacey laughed.

"Oh, c'mon! We were acquaintances first." Zack laughed.

"Well, we went into the studio, Brian had some guitar stuff to do and Matt had some vocals to do. We also have this new song that Brian had written while we were up in Big Bear and Matt needed some help with the lyrics, so I helped a little. I just wrote a line, but Matt was pretty excited about it."

"That's awesome, what's the song called?"

"We're calling it 'Country Rocker' right now, because we suck at clever song titles, but we'll hopefully end up changing it."

"Yeah, that does sound a little lame."

"Ah, an honest fan." Stacey smirked.

"Acquaintance." A waiter approacked the table and they ordered drinks. For Zack, a water, for Stacey, a sweet tea, which confused the waiter.

"A sweet tea?" He asked, looking at Stacey. Stacey shook her head.

"An iced tea, I'm sorry." The waiter shook his head, signaling it was no big deal and walked away.

"A sweet tea?" Zack questioned. Stacey nodded.

"I moved to Florida and lived there for the longest time, I mean, I just came back to California. Sweet tea is what they drink down there." Zack nodded.

"I know, I've been there. I've had it." Stacey smiled.

"I keep forgetting California doesn't have it. It's better than iced tea, though, isn't it?" She asked, winking. Zack chuckled and nodded.

"Matt's girlfriend is from Florida and she threw a fit because we didn't have sweet tea, granted, the waiter was a jerk about it." Stacey laughed.

"So, you brought up going to Florida. How'd you like it?"

"I thought it was nice. A lot more humind than California, but Orlando was great."

"Oh, so have you ever been in the Panhandle of Florida?"

"The what?"

"The Panhandle of Florida, that's where I was born, and where I had moved back to." Zack shook his head.

"It's the part right underneath Alabama. It's called L.A., 'Lower Alabama', as a joke. This accent is real, buddy." Zack smiled at Stacey's mention of her accent. With Stacey's smile and eyes, her accent, and her long tanned legs, mixed with her sweet personality and quick wit, Zack would never understand why he fell for Amanda over her best friend.

"A geography lesson before dinner. How great." Stacey blushed. "No, really, it sounds like a great place."

"It is. They have the prettiest white sand beaches." The waiter brought them their drinks and took their food orders. A steak for Zack and chicken for Stacey.

"So, why'd you go back to Florida?"

"My dad got a job and my mom's parents were having trouble getting around. It was kind of a nessecity." Zack nodded.

"So, why come back?"

"I had my own photography buisness thing going and it wasn't working out. It was just weddings and birthday parties and animals. You wouldn't imagine the outfits some people put on their pets." Stacey shook her head. "Anyway, the money was decent, but I wasn't getting enough to move out and support myself, so, I came out to California to see what they had out here, and Alternative Press loved my work and my journalism degree too. So, they hired me on the spot. My parents lent me a couple hundred bucks and combined with my money, I had enough to get out here and set up a place to live. I'm in the process of paying them off, right now."

"That's awesome."

"Yeah, so, that was half of my life story, tell me your's."

"Nothing to tell, I'm in a band, I tour the world."


"You want to know about Amanda and Abs, hm?"

"Not nessacarily." Zack chewed his food and nodded.

"Amanda got pregnant, obviously, and then five months into the pregnancy, decided she didn't want to keep the baby, because she didn't love me anymore. I wanted that baby so much though. After Amanda broke up with me, I'd realized the changes that baby had made in me, as a person, as an almost grown man, yanno. I was better, I don't know. Anyway, when Amanda and me had to go to the people, or whatever, to sign away our rights as parents, I refused. Amanda took me out in the hall and told me, 'Zack, no matter what, we aren't getting back together. You're not gonna be able to raise this baby. You're being stupid.' and I told her that I was keeping the baby, she could move on with her life and her new boyfriend."

"She had a new boyfriend, already?"

"She was cheating on me." Before Stacey could ask, Zack shook his head. "If Abby hadn't of been mine, I couldn't legally keep her, but I was ready to lie, I loved that baby more and more everyday. I annoyed the hell out of Amanda and Corey to go over and see and feel my baby and at doctor appointments that I scheduled. She's definitely mine though." Zack chuckled. "That girl is such a Baker." Stacey smiled.

"It's amazing the way you talk about her." Zack shrugged.

"I don't know, she's the most amazing thing I've seen. She's witty, and smart. She's funny and curious. She asked questions all the time, about everything and I think she's the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on. I love her more than anything."

"She sounds great."

"That's probably because she is."

"So, you haven't talked to Amanda since Abby was born?"

"You remeber her name?"

"I did. I remember everything." Zack nodded.

"Oh, well, I have, but just recently. She called, because she wanted to meet Abigail."

"She signed her rights away."

"That's what I said, she made her choice, yanno? But, Corey left her, so, I think she's up to something. Corey was a doctor, he made amazing amounts of money, so I bet she didn't have to work, and now that she might have to, she's scared." Stacey shook her head.

"I can't believe,..." Stacey said, shaking her head.

"Can't believe what?"

"Oh, well, just." Stacey sighed. "Amanda really did love you at one point. You could see it in the way she talked about you. I just, with how in love with you she was, I can't believe she stopped loving you." Zack nodded and took a deep breath. This is why he never talked about Amanda to anyone except his bandmates and his sister, it made him want to cry. Stacey reached across the table and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up anything." Zack shook his head.

"It's fine, it's just, I loved her a lot. I still might. I really don't know. And, I have to face her tomorrow."


"She wanted to meet Abs, and Abs wanted to meet her, so the guys, girls, and me and Abby are going to go meet her tomorrow."


"The beach." Stacey nodded. "Anyway, uhm, do you live with anyone? A room mate, an animal?" Stacey smiled.

"I have a cat, his name is Brutus."

"Why Brutus?"

"He attacked his brother, Caesar, all the time."

"Not anymore?"

"Caesar died."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Are you? Really?" Zack nodded earnestly.

"I love animals, Abs is getting a dog for her birthday, she'll be nine." Stacey smiled.

"That's great. Did you know that if children grow up with animals, they're less likely to have any kind of allergy."



"Interesting." Stacey laughed.

"I'm full of useless information. Sorry."

"No, it's cool. I'm pretty full of it, too."

"No pun intended?" Zack laughed.

"None at all." Stacey smiled. For the next hour or so, Zack and Stacey talked about life, animals, family, and past relationships (which that was aimed more at Stacey for Zack's sake) with small tidbits of useless information stuck in.

"Yanno, you know a lot about music." Zack stated, smiling at Stacey.

"I got a degree is music journalism."

"You mentioned that." Stacey laughed and turned her head, catching the time of the clock
on the wall.

"Oh, wow. We've been here for nearly three hours." Zack looked at his watch. It read ten o'clock.

"Dang. I have to be up early tomorrow to mentally prepare myself for hell." Stacey chuckled.

"It can't be that bad, can it?" Zack shrugged and pulled out his wallet. He placed his card on the bill that had been placed on the table, sometime while the two were talking. "I'll go dutch with you." Stacey said, opening her purse.

"Don't worry about it. You need that money to pay off your parents." Stacey smirked and closed her purse.

"Fine." Zack grinned.

"Anyway, if Amanda's doing what I think she's going to do, it will be hell."

"What do you think she's going to do?" Stacey asked, raising an eyebrow, as the waiter came by and grabbed the bill.

"Try and get with me. Her doctor husband, that she left me for, left her, and now, I'm Plan B." The waiter gave Zack the card and receipt. Zack thanked him and followed Stacey, by standing up. He pulled out his wallet and laid a ten on the table.

"You think that's what she's up to?" Stacey asked, as they walked towards their cars.

"I do. Amanda's always been, like that, I guess. I mean, she has the ability to be that kind of person. I saw how Amanda could be nice and amazing and incredibly the worst person ever." Stacey nodded.

"You and me both." Stacey stopped by her car. "Thanks." Zack smiled.

"No, thank you. It's really great to talk to someone from high school." Stacey nodded.

"Tell me about it. Maybe we could together again? Sometime soon?"

"Yeah, that'd be great." They traded cell phone numbers and Stacey gave Zack a hug before she got into her car and drove off. Zack to walk back to his car in awe, wondering again, how he ever fell for Amanda over Stacey.

Zack walked into an empty house and frowned a little, when Abby was gone, he usually had someone over, but not tonight. It was late and everybody was probably asleep, seeing as everyone had to be up early for the beach tomorrow. Zack shook his head and made his way upstairs, wishing Abby's birthday was sooner, so he could have a dog as company.

Zack opened his eyes and shut off his alarm clock. He sighed and stared at the ceiling for a good five minutes, while giving himself an in-mind pep talk for the day. He yawned, stretched and got out of bed, going down stairs to make a small pot of coffee before getting in the shower. Supisingly, Zack only drank a cup and a half of coffee instead of the whole pot. He'd actually slept through the night. As Zack brushed his teeth, tooka shower and got dresses, all the meanwhile, mentally talking to himself.

"Alright, you're good. You look good. You smell good." Zack got in his car and drove the short way to Jimmy and Morgan's house. "Your daughter loves you more than anything in the world. You had a great time with a beautiful lady last night." Zack knocked on the door. "You're good, brother."

"That you are." Jimmy said, smiling slyly."

"I'm mentally preparing myself. Shut up."

"Hey, whatever, you're good brother." Zack glared at Jimmy.

"Where's my kid."

"Kitchen, eating breakfast." Zack walked into the kitchen where Morgan was making a plate. Jimmy walked in and grabbed his plate from Morgan.

"Daddy!" Zack walked over to Abigail and picked her up and gave her the biggest hug he'd probably ever given her.

"Hey baby girl."

"Hey, brother, you eat yet?"

"He's good, Morg." Jimmy said, sitting down and smiling up at Zack.

"No, sis, I haven't." Abby pulled on his shirt and he looked down to where she was standing next to her chair.

"I wanna sit on your lap." Sha stated simply. Zack smiled and sat down, then helped Abby climb into his lap, so she could finish her breakfast. Morgan turned around and placed two plates on the table. One next to Abby's plate in front of Zack and one next to Jimmy where he sat.

"Did you have a fun time with Brian and Caiti last night Zack?" Morgan asked, stressing the names. Zack cleared his throat.

"Yeah, yeah, we talked a lot and had a lot of fun."

"Did Uncle Brian tell you about how he's doing with his fireflies?" Zack chuckled.

"Yeah, still no luck though, Abs."

"Poor guy." Abby took one last bite of her eggs and got off of her father's lap. "I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready."

"Alright, come and let me know when you need me to do your hair sweetie." Morgan said, sending Abby upstiars with a smile.

"So?" Jimmy asked. "What was she like?" Morgan grabbed everyone's plate and took them to the sink rinsing them off and putting them in the dishwasher.

"Pretty amazing." Zack answered. "She was interesting and open and laughed at all my jokes."

"You have to marry her, you're not gonna find someone like that ever again."

"Are you saying my jokes aren't funny?"

"Yes." Zack made a face.

"What do you think Morgan? Wait 'til you see her. She's gorgeous."


"What Morg?"

"How serious are you about her?" Morgan asked, turning around and looking at Zack.

"I-I don't know. We're... friends, now. I guess. One dinner and I have to decide my future with this girl?"

"Woman, Zack, she's a woman and you're a grown man, who has a daughter."

"Is that what this is about?" Jimmy slipped out of the kitchen, leaving the brother and sister to duel it out.

" 'That?' You mean her? Because, yes, this is about Abigail. It's always about Abigail."

"I meant 'that' as in the sense of the whole damn predicament, don't act like that Morgan. You know she's my world."

"Well, can you act like she is, please?"

"What in the world are you talking about? I always act like it. I don't know how to not act like it."


"No, Morgan Danielle, I don't think you understand. I gave up my Senior year in high school for that little girl and I'm not complaining, I'm stating the facts. That's what happened. I didn't sleep, even if she was sleeping, because I was afriad I wouldn't hear her crying if I went to sleep, because I was so tired. I could have given her up easily, Morgan, but I love that little girl more than my life and I always. Whether, I have a girlfriend, or not. If I end up getting married or stay single for the rest of my life. If I end up getting married and have more kids. Abigail will always be the first thing I think of, because she was there first. I don't know what you're trying to get at, but nothing is more important to me than her. Nothing." Morgan looked at Zack and nodded.

"Alright, but, why couldn't you tell her straight up that you were going to see someone? Why did I have to lie to Abigail last night saying you were going over to Bri and Caiti's to speak about Brian's adventures in Firefly Land, or whatever? Why did I have to do that?"

"Oh, excuse me. I was about to and then you pushed her away and hugged me and sent me on my way. You were the oh so supportive sister last night."

"Yeah, but I didn't think you were gonna be out all night!"

"I wasn't out all night!" Zack said, loudly. A door opened and Zack looked upstairs to make sure Abigail hadn't heard anything. She disappeared into her room and shut the door. Zack looked back at his sister. "It was like, ten, when we left the restaraunt and ten thirty when I got home."

"You could have called."

"I didn't realize I had to check in with my younger sister."

"You didn't even call to check up on Abby."

"Did I have to? Am I not supposed to trust you and Jimmy to get my daughter to bed on time and keep her safe and make her feel loved. Can I not trust you guys?"

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Then how did you mean it Morgan?" Morgan shook her head.

"I watched you spend the first four years of Abigail's life trying to get a date when Mom offered to take her off your hands. You were so desperate. I just, now that she's getting older, I don't want you to think that she doesn't need you as much or something, because these years that are coming up, she's gonna need you more than she ever will, Zack." Zack shook his head.

"I was eighteen, Morgan. I'm much more mature now. I don't-" Zack paused, searching for the right words. "Need it as much anymore? I guess. I don't know how to explain it, but I'm not chasing any girl or anything. I happened to meet a nice girl, that me and the guys knew back in high school, and we had dinner and talked. I'm not in love with her, I think she's beautiful, yeah, but, we're friends. We traded phone numbers and we're hanging out again, but Abigail is my world, Morgan, you don't need to worry about me leaving her. She's gonna hate me one day, because I'm never gonna leave her alone." Morgan nodded.

"I'm sorry, Zack."

"Don't worry about, just don't mess up my kid's hair." Morgan smiled as did Zack. He turned and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. where he joined Jimmy on the couch.

"That was intense." Jimmy said, not taking his eyes off of the basketball game on the television.

"Thank you for having the courtesy not to eavesdrop on my conversation, Jimmy." Jimmy looked at him and then back at the television before speaking.

"You're in my house, I have the ability to hear your conversation whether you want me to or not." Zack looked at him, shook his head, and then looked back at the tv. "You're a good dad, Zack. Don't let anyone tell you different. Morgan just worries about everyone too much. She thinks you're an amazing father."

"Thank you, Jimmy."

"Yeah, bro. Oh, and Stacey's pretty smokin', too."

"Jimmy, you are so weird." Morgan said, walking into the living room and up the stairs. Jimmy made a face.

"She's so mean to me."



"Maybe you're just weird, like she said." Someone knocked on the front door.

"You Bakers are mean people." Jimmy said, standing up to go answer the door. "Hey Matt, hey Lauren." The coupled walked into the living room.

"How was the date last night?" Matt asked, sitting next to Zack.


"Did you kiss her?"


"Why not?"

"We were catching up? Look, Morgan just but my head off because she thought I was moving to fast, if you're about to bite my head off, I'm never telling you people anything ever again."

"I was just asking." Matt said, sniffing. Lauren rolled her eyes.

"I think that's great, Zack. I really do."

"Thanks Lore." Abigail and Morgan came down the stairs. Abigail rushed into her father's lap, her hair in braided pigtails.

"You look cute Abby."

"Thanks Daddy." Matt stood up.

"Bri said that him, Caiti, Johnny, and Megan were gonna meet us down at the beach." Zack nodded.

"Let's go ahead then." Everyone nodded and grabbed their things. Zack looked at his daughter on his lap. "Are you ready Abby?" Abigail looked at her dad and cracked a smile.

"Yeah Daddy. Are you?" Zack smiled and chuckled.

"Of course I am. I got you, don't I?" Zack stood up and carried Abigail out to his car. Abigail giggled and nodded. Zack made sure she was buckled in safe, before looking back at everyone. "See you out there." He got a thumbs up from Matt, before walking around and getting into his car.

Zack pulled into a parking lot, right near the sand, at the beach. Brian, Caiti, Johnny, and Megan were already out by the water. Zack got out and let Abigail out, where she ran to her aunts and uncles. Zack stood by his car and smiled watching her as Brian picked her up. Caiti came his way. "Hey Caiti."

"Hey Zack." She said, hugging him. "Abigail has a bathing suit right?"

"Of course. It's under her clothes."

"Good. But Brian brought one just in case." Zack chuckled and shook her head. "I think her loves her almost as much as you do." Zack nodded.

"I know." Caiti patted his shoulder and walked back to Brian and the rest of the group. Zack felt a presence next to him. He looked over and saw his siter with her sunglasses on her face.

"You know why we're here."

"I do, Coach." Morgan looked at him and he knew she rolled her eyes.

"I love you, Zack and I'm proud of you for coming out here and giving Abigail the chance to meet her mother. I'm just letting you know, though, if I happen to knock the bitch in the face, you're just going to have to blame it on a serious case of 'I Can't Stand That Hoe' Syndrome." Zack laughed and pulled his siter into a hug.

"I love you, too, Morgie." He let go of his sister and she smiled up at him.

"Are you ready?" Zack nodded. "Good, she's here."

"What?" Morgan looked down the beach.

"That's her." Zack watched as the woman with long, light brown hair noticed him looking at her and lifted up her hand in a wave. Zack returned the gesture and looked at his sister. "It's gametime." Zack walked over to his daughter and knelt down.

"You ready to meet you mom, Abs?" Abby looked to where every other adult, except her father, was looking.

"Is that her?" She asked, everyone looking at the woman coming their way.


"Uncle Bri has to come too."

"Can do, Abs." Brian said, looking down at the little girl. Abby nodded and grabbed her dad's hand as he stood up. Brian grabbed her other hand and the three of them walked to meet the young woman. As they neared Amanda, she looked at Abby and her mouth dropped open. Zack stopped in front of Amanda and Abby dropped Brian's hand, hiding behind Zack's leg. Zack placed a hand on her head.

"Hey Zack." Amanda said, quietly, smiling.

"Hey Amanda." Zack nodded. Amanda looked over at Brian.

"Brian?" Brian nodded.


"You got, huge." Brian nodded.

"I bench press Abby." Zack shook his head and grabbed the hand that was holding on to his thigh for dear life. He turned around to face his daughter as the silence behind him became awkward.

"Abs, you told me you were ready." Abby nodded.

"I am." Zack raised an eyebrow.

"Than why are you hiding behind me?" Abby looked at her feet.

"I'm a little scared." She said, holding two fingers slightly apart, measuring her fear. She looked up at her father, who was smiling, smally.

"You know what, Abs?"


"I'm a little scared, too." Zack held up his fingers like Abigail, his fingers slightly farhter apart then Abby's.

"Your fingers are furth apart than mine!" Zack looked at their fingers closely.

"Look at that, you're braver then your old man, Abs!" Abby smiled. "You can do this, Abby?"

"If you can, I can." Zack smiled and kissed her head. He grabbed her hand and the turned around.

"Abby, this is you mother. Amanda, this is Abigail." Again, Amanda's mouth dropped. Brian came closer to Zack.

"Hi." Abigail said, waving.

"Hey Abigail. It's nice to meet you."

"Finally." Brian muttered. Zack smiled and elbowed him.

"It's nice to meet you, too."

"You're a very pretty girl."

"Thank you, you're pretty yourself."

"Thanks. How old are you?"

"Eight. I'll be nine in two months."

"Wow, you're almost grown."

"That's what my Daddy always says." Amanda looked up at Zack, who was watching his daughter interact with this woman he thought he knew so well.

"Yeah, would it be okay if I talked to your daddy for a minute?" Abby shrugged and turned to look at Zack.


"Yeah, baby girl?"

"She wants to talk to you." Zack looked at Amanda.

"Yeah, go with Uncle Brian, alright?" Abby nodded and hurried back to the safety of her uncle's arms. Brian squeezed Zack's shoulder and picked up Abigail, walking back to their group of friends. Zack stepped closer to Amanda.

"She looks just like you." Zack nodded.

"I know." Amanda looked up at Zack.

"I'm sorry. I never thought that, that we would've turned out this way."

"Was that before or after you started cheating on me?" Amanda shook her head.

"I said I was sorry, Zack."

"I know, and then I asked you a question. An apology isn't gonna fixed what happened over eight years ago and it's not gonna fix anything in the future. The only reason I'm out here is for that little girl over there." Zack looked over to where Abigail's giggles were coming from. Brian, Jimmy, and Matt had her out in the water.

"Why are you being like this, Zack? You've never been like this, ever."

"It's because of you, Amanda. Because of you, I'm scared to trust any girl with my heart. Because of you, I went on the first date in over eight years, just last night. Because of you, Abigail is the only girl I love. Because of you, I'm scared to live my life. You've had the biggest impact that anyone has ever had on my life and it was the worst impact ever. It's your own fault that I'm an asshole to you. You had the chance to raise the most amazing little girl in the world with me, but instead you spent eight years with a jackass and now he left you. Why are we even out here, Amanda?"

"I wanted to meet, Abigail."

"That's bullshit. You know what, I'm done. You met Abigail, then we're done here. My whole life is fucked up Amanda, because of you." Zack turned around and walked towards his friends. Abby ran out of the water and looked at her father. "Are you ready to go, Abs?" Abby shook her head.

"No!" He looked at the guys, who nodded.

"You mind staying with the guys? Daddy doesn't feel good." Abby nodded and threw her arms around Zack's neck. She kissed his cheek.

"I hope you feel better, Daddy."

"Thank you baby girl." Matt smiled at him.

"We'll get'er home safe." Zack nodded

"I know." He started towards his car, Morgan following.

"What happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now, Morgan." Zack said, stopping by his car and turning to face her. "Just, go spend some time with my daughter and make sure she has a good day."
"Are you gonna go home and cry?"

"Yes, and eat ice cream and watch sad movies. Can I go now?" Morgan shook her head and hugged her brother.

"Drive safe." Zack hugged his sister back and got in his car, driving back to his house. There was one thing he forgot to tell Amanda. Because of you, the most amazing little girl in the entire world, is mine.
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Abigail Morgan Baker