Status: I'm back bitches!

Scream to the Silence

Caught Up In This Madness

The loud bangs from down stairs caused me to jolt awake. A scream from down the hall told me he was here, in the house. I silently got out of bed as my mom and sister ran into the room and slammed the door, clicking the lock into place.

“Cassie hide.” My mom whispered and threw me under the bed, right before the door burst open. “Leave us alone!” My mother screamed and a dark shadow loomed in the door way. A smirk crossed his face as he came at her, pushing my mother onto the bed. I bit down hard on my wrist to keep from making a sound. I winced as my teeth sunk in and broke the tender skin, blood starting to pool in my mouth. I wanted to scream, cry, fight! Something, anything to save my family, but I couldn’t. I was the reason he was here, if he got me everything my family did to protect me would have been for nothing. So I lay silently under my bed and watched my ten year old sister try to attack the man assaulting our mother. He picked her up like nothing and threw her against the wall, knocking her out cold.

“Where is she?” The gruff voice asked, sending disgusted shivers down my back

“She’s not here!” My mother hissed and I jumped when I heard the smack of skin on skin contact. He had just slapped my mother. Hard.

“You’re lying to me. Will you die to protect her?” He asked and I heard the shallow breaths of my mother. I bit down on my wrist harder to keep the whimper that was stuck in my throat silent. Kristen was beginning to regain consciousness; she looked right at me with her bright blue eyes. Her eyes were almost as piercing as my gray eyes are. Her piercing eyes would haunt my dreams for the next year, as would the sounds of the life being choked out of her.

“Yes, I will die to protect her.” Mother said and Kristen slowly got up trying to not make a sound. His laughter raised the goose flesh on my arms and would haunt my memory forever.

“Well die you shall.” He said and my heart stopped, choking and gasping sounds rocked my bed, till all went silent. I heard a thud on my right side; I bit hard into my wrist, more blood draining into my mouth. Slowly I turned my head and wished I hadn’t. A scream raised into my throat as I looked into my mother’s lifeless eyes. My stomach did a flip and I tried to push back the bile that rose as tears cascaded down my face. I slowly scooted back into the very deepest darkness under my bed, disturbing spiders and ancient dust bunnies.

Another sound brought my attention back to the front of the bed where all I could see was Kristen’s feet dangling. Again the sounds of choking and gasping filled the air, Kristen’s feet kicked in fury, until they stopped and my room was silent, except for the sound of his heavy breathing. I held in another scream as more tears fell down my face and the heavy breathing from above got closer to the side of the bed. I inched over slowly and watched as his knees hit the ground and I got out from under the bed still crouched down, when his hands hit the ground I stood up and walked slowly towards the door, a trail of blood falling from my hand.

“I see you.” He said and turned his head to look at me, those piercing green eyes staring into my soul and stealing my breath. I turned and ran as fast as I could down the stairs; I was not going to let this monster get me. Not this time, not again. I finally made it down the stairs, to the front door, the lock had been set. My fumbling fingers flew over the lock, trying with furious desperation to open the damn thing. Finally I heard a click and tore the door open, allowing it to bang against the wall. I ran forward looking back towards the house, wondering where the hell he could be, till I hit a brick wall. Except this wall had arms that wrapped around me, holding me tight.

“Gotcha.” His voice hissed like the slimy creature he was.

I awoke as a scream tore its way up my throat, causing me to sit up startled in bed. Tears streamed down my flushed cheeks and my pale blonde hair stuck to the sweat on my forehead. I glanced around the room and fell back onto my pillow that was wet with tears and perspiration. Dogs barking in the neighborhood and my shallow breaths were the only sounds to be heard in Winters, California, my current home. Shifting my head to the side, bright blue numbers on my clock informed me it was four in the morning. I didn’t have to be up for another three hours.

“Shit.” I mumbled and brought my frail body into a sitting position again, throwing my legs over the side of my bed, resting my elbows on my thighs. Setting my forehead on my palms I sat with my eyes closed, but the image of his face appeared in my mind’s eye again. His perfect brown hair, green eyes and charming smile, so deceiving, the worst of all evils never look the part. Evil isn’t noticeable, it hides and makes you trust it, so you hardly notice the small scent of brimstone on its breath.

Snapping my eyes open, I looked down at the crescent shaped scar on my wrist from where I bit it and shook my head in disgust. I could still taste the blood as I forcefully swallowed it to stay silent. Silently and slowly, I eased myself off the bed and walked to my bathroom. Turning on the light I looked at my reflection, wincing. My hair was knotted badly and still sticking to my face, my light storm gray eyes were lined by red rims, and the rest of my normally pale face was flushed and red. The green cami I wore to bed was dark in spots and clung to my body, the short sofie shorts stuck to my thin waste. Sighing I stripped down to my under garments and turned on the hot water for a shower. My aunt and uncle were used to my odd schedule and were finally able to sleep through my fits. It had only taken them 5 months to ignore my screams in the middle of night.

After my shower I put on black cut off shorts and my favorite Ramones shirt, it was the first day of school. Well for me anyways, school had started about 2 months ago, I just wasn’t ready for it yet. I was finally able to start my life again and try to forget about the past, but I had a nagging feeling that my past wasn’t dead yet.

I had a feeling it was coming back to haunt me.

Third Person Point Of View

Pearl white teeth gleamed in the small amount of light he had to work with, but it was just enough to see by. He kept digging; he was slowly making progress, just as he had every other night since he was moved here. An outside source had told him that Cassie was out here and he always needed to be by her. She would be his again and soon, very soon. The thought of her smile and blonde hair gave him a feeling and almost made him stop, but he didn’t. He couldn’t stop, not yet. Not after three months of digging into the wall every night, good thing it was an old building that was falling apart.

Adam kept digging, slowly he felt the wall giving out, he ducked and looked into the hole he had created and felt a breeze coming through. A laugh escaped his mouth and he dug harder, making the hole larger.

“Soon Cassie, my love, we will be together again soon.” Adam whispered, his teeth still gleaming in the dark and his green eyes reflecting with eerie delight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cassie (but with gray eyes)

Ok so I couldn't wait to start this story. I already have the whole thing planned out too! I'm going to do 20 chapters in this story and then a sequel!!
Please tell me what you think!
