Status: I'm back bitches!

Scream to the Silence

You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

The day was bright and sunny, but not one person smiled at Amilia Gene’s funeral. Not only because the young woman with such a promising future was dead, but because every one at the small grave yard knew how exactly she died. They knew she had died at the hands of a mad man, but only I knew that I was the soul cause of her death. If I wasn’t in Winters, all the people that were about to die would still be alive.

“Cassie? You okay, sweetie?” Matt asked, sitting on my left side. Brian was sitting to my right with my hand in his and Matt was on the other side with my other hand in his. Reece was on the other side with her hand intertwined with Matt’s. Those two had been very close the last two weeks and I could tell they were about to move past being good friends.

“Yeah, just thinking.” I said with a small smile and squeezed his hand to add more emphasis that I was ok. Thankfully, I’m good at hiding my feelings and didn’t show how torn up inside I was, though I had a feeling Brian could tell. He had stayed very close to me the last few weeks and I was very thankful for that. Plus it gave me more chances to flirt with him, which was becoming a common thing between us.

“Are you sure?” Brian asked this time, making me turn and look at him. I knew he would know if I was lying, but I tried anyway.

“Yes, I’m sure. Just a lot on my mind right now.” I said with emphasis, trying to tell him that we would talk later. Soon the preacher began his speech and I turned back around as the crowd grew silent. He began his words, but I was soon pulled away from his speech.

“Don’t lie, its not very attractive.” Brian whispered in my ear and allowed his hot breath to send chills down my spine. I swallowed hard and squeezed his hand, trying to stay focused and sullen. Brian let go of my hand and placed it on my thigh, causing my whole body to tense up.

“Don’t” I hissed lightly, but didn’t move his hand. I didn’t want to draw attention to us, considering half the faculty was there. Brian kept his large hand there and never moved it or tried anything, but I could feel it there, sending sparks through my body the whole time. Causing me once again to miss the feeling of angered eyes on me, watching from a distance.

Third Person

‘How could she?!’ Adam thought and gripped the tree branch hard. He was currently sitting in a large tree a short distance from the current funeral ceremony and it was taking all his strength to not get up and beat the living hell out of the guy who had his hands on Adam’s Cassie.

“Soon you won’t have hands to put on her.” Adam growled out and gripped the branch harder, causing slivers of wood to enter his hands, but the pain only spurred him on. Adam would save that filthy bastard for a little later, Adam didn’t have to resources to inflict the pain on him that he wanted to, but he would. Soon Adam would hurt all three of them that would dare come that close to his Cassie. And very soon Cassie would be his again and only his. Till the day they both died.

Satisfied by that thought Adam started his decent out of the tree to begin his planning and building of everything he would need. This time he would have Cassie and she would welcome him with open arms.


The funeral was over and I invited Reece, Matt and Brian over to my house because my aunt and uncle weren’t home for the week. My uncle had a business meeting with a new company and my aunt went with as his legal counsel. Though neither one of them wanted to leave at this time, they had to. Reece had offered to stay with me and they both said it would be ok, what they didn’t know is that Matt and Brian were staying at the house too.

We haven’t done anything dirty! Ok so the truth and dare game the other day got a little heated, but that’s the only thing.

Anyway, we finally arrived at my house and I said I was going to go get changed. I walked up into my bedroom and closed the door, stripping off my dress into a bright blue bra and matching boy shorts. I was searching for shorts when I heard the door open and close, I quickly turned around and blushed when I saw Brian standing in front of the door.

“If you’re looking for the bathroom you missed by a door.” I said, looking him in the eye. Well where his eyes would be if they weren’t scanning my body.

“Nope, I found what I was looking for.” Brian said with a smirk and slowly advanced towards me. His blunt response caught me off guard and I gasped when he grabbed my hands and pinned me against the wall, though the shock quickly wore off.

“Oh really now? Were you looking for little ole me?” I asked in a seductive tone and smiled when his eyes covered over with lust. He leaned in and our lips touched with fierce passion, Brian let my hands go and both of his hands roamed my body while I tangled mine in his hair.

“Now I did not expect this from you.” Brian whispered and nibbled on my ear lobe making me giggle. He slowly trailed kisses down my neck and I couldn’t help but moan when he hit my weak spot. A slow grin crossed his lips and he returned to that spot kissing and biting it, making me thrust my body farther into his, causing him to groan and grin his hips into me. Brian returned his lips to mine and our tongues battled for dominance, during that I felt his hand snake behind my back and his fingers began to fiddle with my bra strap. Finally it unhooked, he took a step back and was allowing it to fall when my door opened.

“Hey Cas, I was looking for – OH HOLY FUCK!” Reece said walking into the room, her eyes immediately going from my scantily clothed self to the noticeable bulge in Brian’s pants. “Well that’s not awkward at all.”

“Way to be a cock block, Reece.” Brian said and started walking towards the door and Reece allowed a large grin to spread across her face.

“I have to tell Matt.” Reece spun on heel and clumsily ran down the stairs screaming, “MATT! I JUST COCK BLOCKED BRIAN!” While Matt could be heard howling from laughter and then to two grew suspiciously quiet, but I didn’t have too much time to think about it.

“Now where were we?” Brian asked closing the door again, but this time locking it. I giggled and allowed my bra to hit the floor and his eyes lit up. “Oh I remember.” He stalked towards me throwing off his shirt and revealing his toned body underneath.

It was going to be a good week.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cassie's Funeral dress
Happier chapter and I know we all know what Matt looks like, but I figured I would give us all some eye candy.
Cassie's true nature is starting to shine through, but is it only with Brian? Or is he just the flavor of the week?
