Status: I'm back bitches!

Scream to the Silence

But Now It's Too Late

I walked back to the room where I had last seen Brian, trying to keep the traitorous tears that were brimming my eyes from falling. I was so stupid and disgusting and a whore. I can’t believe I did that! Normally I wouldn’t consider it anything important, but I was in a relationship and I just did that with another man, I felt so disgusting.

I knocked on the door and heard laughing and voices, soon the door opened and Brian stood in front of me, his smile dropping when he saw me. The anger and sadness in his eyes literally took my breath away and all I could do was look at the ground and focus on not crying.

“I’ll be right back.” Brian said over his shoulder and took a few steps out towards me, then shut the door with force, but didn’t slam it. “So did you have fun?” His sharp tone made me flinch and I shook my head.

“Can we move?” I asked glancing up at him with pleading eyes.


“Cause you know all those assholes have their ears pressed up against the door to hear us.” I said with a small smile and he shook his head like he didn’t believe me. “You don’t believe me?” I asked and silently walked up to the door and then pounded my fists and heard my feet shuffles.

“It’s like she knows! That bitch!” I heard an unfamiliar voice say and figured it must have been Jimmy.

“Fine, we’ll move.” Brian hissed and grabbed my wrist much harder than he had to, causing me to hiss in pain and try to jerk away.

“Ow Brian! You’re hurting me!” I said and tried to pry his large hand off my wrist to no avail.

“And you didn’t hurt me?” He shouted, stopping farther down the hallway out of hearing distance unless they opened the door and blatantly stuck their heads out the door. “How the fuck do you think I feel watching my girlfriend walk off with some guy?”

“Brian, I just wanted to talk to him. He said he wanted to show me something.” I quickly thought and continued to make up things in my head to get me out of the hole I had just dug myself. “We walked into a hallway and he forced himself on me. H-he said that if I didn’t do what he told me too that he had a gun in his pants and that he would go back and kill all of you. He made me...made me....” I drew out the last part and let out a shutter. I was lying straight to Brian’s face about something that didn’t happen, but he would forgive me.

“Did he have a gun?” Brian asked, his tone still tight but this time it wasn’t directed towards me.

“No, I didn’t find that out till after.” I said and looked him straight in the eye. I was mentally fighting myself to tell him the truth, but I knew if I did I would loose him forever.

“What was his name?” Brian asked through clenched teeth, his fists balled at his side.

“Oli.” I said and flinched when I heard more foot steps coming down the hallway, with laughter. His laughter.

“My name is still on your lips. I knew I was a good fuck, but damn girl didn’t have to spread it all over.” I heard Oli say from behind me and his arm snake around my waist. I slowly moved out of his reach and towards the fuming Brian. “Who is this?”

“That him?” Brian asked me and I nodded my head, what happened next was not what I expected at all. Before anyone could react Brian launched forward and caught Oli straight in the face with his fist. My first instinct was to scream, but no sound came out until Oli got up and attacked Brian right back. Finally I found my voice.

“BRIAN! Stop!” I said and held onto him arm but his elbow caught me in the shoulder and sent me wobbling back to find my balance. I wasn’t going to be able to get those two apart and Oli’s band mates didn’t want to get in the middle of it, so I did the next best thing. I ran down the hall and opened the door where every one else was.

“I need you guys now! Brian’s down there fighting some guy and won’t break apart. Please help.” I said and before I could move Matt had picked me up and was running down the hallway the rest of the guys then Reece behind him.

“Oh fuck!” I heard Matt say but he wouldn’t turn around so that I could see, I started to struggle when I saw all the guys freak out and Reece let out a scream.

“Brian what the fuck happened? Some one call 911!” Zacky shouted and Jimmy took out his phone, frantically talking to the person on the other line, far enough away that I couldn’t hear the whole conversation, just fragments. I picked out 3 words that stopped my heart. Fight. Blood. Stabbed.

“Matt put me down!” I screamed and Matt set me down, I turned around and tears poured down my face when I saw a bloody Brian laying on the floor, a large knife sticking out of his stomach and bloody pouring out of it.

“Oh my GOD!” I screamed and stood frozen in place.

So much blood
Unknown P.O.V.

I smiled from my position in the hallway where I could see the drama unfold. Originally I was going to attack that Oli kid for touching my Cassie, but then I saw the fight break apart and Brian sit down to try and rest. I took this as my opportunity to show Cassie that I wasn’t playing around and to tell Brian to stay the hell away from her. I walked slowly with my hood over my head and the knife at the ready in my hand, the handle felt so familiar that it drew a smile to my lips.

“Are you Brian?” I asked and smiled wider when he groaned out a ‘yes’. “Well then I have something to tell you.” I leaned down on one knee, but kept my face from showing to him. “Stay the fuck away from Cassie.”

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” He wheezed out and I brought the knife out from behind me and fought the urge to look up. Brian froze at the sight of the knife and my teeth gleamed in the terrible lighting.

“You’re fucking nightmare.” I said and brought the knife down hard into his stomach. He groaned loudly and fell back; I heard the running footsteps and the shocked gasps. I didn’t have time so I got up and left my knife in the still bleeding Brian.

I would get it back eventually, no one would ever find out.

Until my final act, that would be the show closer.

”Soon Cassie”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back!!
Florida was so much fucking fun! I was in Panama City Beach and had a blast!
Unfortanetly the hell hole called school starts this Friday, so I don't know how updates are going to be. Probably still slow as fuck, but you never know.
I could change my ways.
Don't laugh I'm trying to be serious, lol.


Love y'all!!