Magic Fingers


Cale was, to put it mildly, quite miserable. His back ached, his shoulders were tense and god, it felt like every muscle in his body was on fire. Thank god for days off or else, Cale wasn't sure he'd actually be able to perform, not with his body tensed up like it was.

It was, apparently, the nonstop touring that was the cause for his distress. That and being cramped into a tour bus night after night, day after day, had sent the nerves in Cale's body into overdrive. Even now, stretched out finally in a Queen sized hotel bed, one that Cale knew he could easily never get up from, and the guitarist wasn't sure why his body was still so tense. Sighing and rolling over onto his belly, Cale closed his eyes and tried to will away everything of the outside world so that he could rest.

The soft click of the hotel door being unlocked and opened broke Cale out of his semi-restful state of mind. He sighed again, figuring it was useless. Turning and sitting up, Cale couldn't help but smile at Kris, his best friend and, in his wildest dreams, someone so much more.

“Hey.” Cale says, already deciding that sitting up is not going to work as he drops back down onto the bed.

“You okay?” Kris chuckles as he kicks off his shoes before coming to sit on the edge of the bed Cale is stretched out on.

“Been better.” Cale mumbles, his face half pressed into a pillow.

“The guys said you were, uh, tense?” Kris offers and Cale turns his head to look, one eyebrow raised up in question.

“Dude, my back and shoulders are killing me right now.” Cale says with the hint of a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips.

Kris blushes and Cale can't help but laugh.

“Its all the damn time we're spent on the bus,” Cale starts as he rolls over onto his side. “I think the touring has finally caught up to me.”

“Oh.” Kris says, eyeing Cale's back where his shirt has begun to ride up.

“So yeah, kinda tense here.” Cale finishes and sighs as he face plants back into his pillow.

Its quiet for all of two seconds before Cale hears Kris speak.

“I uh, can help you out with that. If you want.” Kris says, stumbling ever so slightly over his words.

Turning to look at Kris and Cale just stares. Eventually Kris sighs and rolls his eyes.

“Take off your shirt and lay on your stomach.” Kris says and Cale is pretty sure he felt his cock jump in his pants.


“Dude, if nothing, I'd say even one of my lame ass massages would help your back. Shoulders too. So, shirt off and let me help.” Kris stresses and waits for his friend to do as he's told.

With slight hesitation, Cale sits up and removes his shirt before laying back down on the bed. Closing his eyes, he tries to calm his nerves, making his body relax and not respond to Kris like he knows its about to when an unexpected weight settles over his ass. Jerking his head up, Cale's eyes are wide as he cranks his neck back to lock eyes with Kris.

“What?” Kris asks as he settles down onto Cale.

“I, you. What are you doing?”

“Giving you a massage. I thought we'd already been through this?” Kris asks, his eyebrow rose in question.

Cale just sighs and decides that now is not the time to try and figure out why his straight best friend is straddling his ass.

When Kris' hands touch Cale's back, he can feel the coolness on his friends fingertips. It must have been cold outside before Kris came in because its not cold in the room, not to Cale anyway.

Kris' hands are soft and smooth, not exactly the hands you'd expect someone who plays the guitar like Kris does to have. But Cale can't help but smile as Kris leans down and applies pressure to the aching muscles between his shoulder blades.

If Cale could have seen his friends face, he would have seen a smirk plastered on Kris' lips.

“Feel good?” Kris asks when Cale groans.

“Mmm.” Cale manages to say and surprises himself with even that. Kris' hands are magic, Cale decides after only mere minutes of having them on his back. Pressing into his back and digging into his shoulders and Cale is damn near positive he could live with this from Kris forever.

Pressing his face into the cool surface of the pillow, Cale can't help but moan, even a tiny one as it was, as Kris' hands continued to press into his back, working on his tense muscles. With closed eyes, Cale can feel sleep creeping up on him, he can feel his body slowly begin to relax and with a content filled sigh he's ready to succumb to the peaceful slumber that awaits him.

When Kris' hands work their way down his back and Cale feels his friends thumbs dip under the waste band of his pants, sleep is all but forgotten as Cale literally jerks himself awake and gasps.

“K-kris!” Cale exclaims, his eyes wide as he cranks his neck back to look at his friend.

Kris just smirks and pushes Cale back down onto the bed.

“I thought you wanted to relax?” Kris asks him before pressing his wet lips to the back of Cale's neck.

Cale gasps, his eyes growing wide and his body, once again, tensing up.

“N-not a great way to help me relax.” Cale mumbles as Kris leaves a trail of wet kisses across his shoulder blades.

“Hm, I dunno. Seems like a great way to help releave some of your built up tension to me.”

When he welcomed weight on Cale's lower back moved and Cale turned to see that Kris had moved off of him and down the bed, Cale waited, wondering just what Kris was doing.

“Wanna turn over for me?” Kris asks and before Cale even knows what he's doing, he finds himself turning over and laying flat on his back. When Kris' hands reach for the button on his pants, Cale freezes, not entirely sure he's actually awake and this is actually happening.

“Um, Kris?” Cale asks, his eyes locked onto his friend.

Cale watches as Kris unbuttons his pants and pulls them down far enough for his hardening cock to spring free from his boxers. Its almost like a movie, Cale decides, a really gay porno type movie, as he watches Kris lean down and lick, lick, the head of his cock.

“Salty.” Kris smirks before leaning back in and sucking the tip of Cale's cock into his mouth.

Cale gasps and clutches at the bed sheets under him, needing to grip something. Never in his wildest, okay most definitely in his wildest dreams did he think this could happen, but never did he ever actually expect it too.

“Fuck.” Cale moans when Kris' hand wraps around his shaft and slowly begins to pump his now extremely hard cock. Looking down, he can see the smirk on Kris' face and Cale vows to kick his friends ass later, after his orgasm because really, who passes up a chance to have their dick sucked? Not Cale.

Looking at Kris again, because really why wouldn't you look? Cale's eyes lock onto his neck, more importantly, Kris' adam's apple, as it bobs up and down as Kris takes even more of Cale's cock into his mouth. Cale groans, not entirely sure he's going to survive this.

The sad and embarrassing thing is, if doesn't take long for Kris' vacuum mouth to make Cale cum. He's hard as a fucking rock and Kris fucking Allen is sucking on his dick like its a goddamned lollipop so yeah, in the end, Cale ends up gasping and shuddering and cuming harder than he can remember ever cuming, down his friends throat minutes after the blowjob starts.

When Cale finally opens his eyes, after he's regained the ability to breath properly, and sees Kris on his knees at the end of the bed, that smirk still on his face, Cale can't help but groan as his eyes fall shut again.

“You fucker.”

“What? Don't act like you didn't enjoy that.” Kris says, moving up the bed to lay on his side beside of Cale.

Cracking an eye open, Cale raises an eyebrow at Kris.

“Since when do you go around giving out blowjobs to guys?” Cale asks.

“Around the time you started taking blowjobs from me.” Kris grins.

“I hate you.” Cale mumbles as he tucks his cock back into his pants, not bothering to zip or button them up.

“I think your dick says otherwise.” Kris says before bursting out in a fit of laughter.

Cale snorts and rolls his eyes because yeah, this is his best friend, the cock sucking, dirty minded boy from Arkansas and really, Cale can't ask for anything more.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Well, huh. Didn't expect it to go quite like that but uh, there you have it, my first Krale fic. I hope someone reads this and likes it, lol. Either way, comments are love!