Status: In progress.

I Love You in Every Language

Restless Heart Syndrome

Chapter 1-Restless Heart Syndrome

---Aubrey POV---

"Drat!" I say for the tenth time today while picking myself up off the ground. I brush the dust off my shirt and look at the ground behind me to see what I tripped on. Nothing is there so as usual I managed to trip while walking on a straight flat surface. I swear that I am so clumsy it should be illegal. Well anyway Lennon should be here any minute. So I guess I should just shop for some new robes and quills. I am in Diagon Alley after all.

*Ten Minutes Later*

'Hmmmm...So many choices of dress robes' I think to myself. Re-"Ah!" A voice calls while grabbing me from behind and causing me to jump.

Turning around I see the grinning face of my best friend, Lennon. A smug smile is spread across her face and her dark curly hair that hung down to her mid-back was gathered in a loose braid.

"My don't we scare easily?" She says.

"Not funny Len." I say giving her a death glare.

"Awww come on you know i'm just teasing." Len replies.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." I say half heartedly.

"Come on, let's go get some ice cream." She says, pulling me by my arm and pushing some younger kids out of the way.

*At the Ice Cream Shop*

I sit down across the table from Lennon and place my hot fudge sundae in front of me.

"So ready for another invigorating year of school?" Lennon asks sarcastically.

"Oh yeah. You know it." I reply equally as sarcastic.

"What mischief and mayhem are we going to cause this year?" She asks with a gleam in her eye.

"Well Hogsmede is rather lovely this time of year."

"Yes and it is rather quieter when we go by ourselves instead of waiting to go with school."


"And you know we are the best at sneaking around."

"Very true. I mean we do have experiencein skipping class and being sneaky." I say while glancing around and acting in a 'sneaky' way.

Laughing and joking we finish our ice cream.

*Book Store*

"Well I think that that's it." Lennon says taking the three books she found up to the register.

"OK you can go check out, I have one more thing to look for.' I tell her while heading toward a different book shelf.

I quickly find the book I need. Thenturn around and Wham! I run right into Holli, who is a third year and Lennon's little sister.

"Sorry Holli." I say.

"It's OK but have you seen Lennon? I need to find her."

"Yeah she's at the register which is also where I'm heading."

"Thanks." Holli says and then walks toward the register, where I see her and Lennon talking as I walk up.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi." Lennon says, then adds. "My parents are ready to leave. But I'll owl you later and see you on the train in a few days."

"OK then, bye."

"Bye." She says then walks out of the store with her newly purchased books and Holli.

*15 Minutes Later*

'Uggh my parents are late.' I tihnk to myself. 'It's staring to get cold and my knit scarf and hat aren't exactly helping much.'

I look around for a warmer place to stand when I over hear two wizards talking. One of which was a young dark haired man. The other was a white haired brittle looking woman who was probably the young man's grandmother.

"If you would just look at the newspaper grandmother then you would see the evidence." Says the young man.

"You know I don't read that rag of a newspaper." Replied the old woman.

"But this time it is true."

"I won't believe it unless I hear the news from a more reliable source."

"Fine but mark my words grandmother something bad is coming."

Honk! Honk! The sound of the horn from my parents Station Wagon cut off the old woman's reply. Quickly I opened the door and got in the car to escape the cold.

"Did you get everything you needed?" My mother asks turning around in the passenger seat.

"Yes." I say absintmindedly while I put on my seat belt. Then I think about the conversation I just over heard and decide to tell Lennonwhen I see her later.

*My House the Night Before Leaving*

Laying on my bed looking at the ceiling I think about starting my sixth year at Hogwarts. How Lennon and I became friends during our first year. When we discovered how easy it is to trick the house elves into giving us cookies and milk, during our second yeear. During third year we decided that skipping class every once and a while wasn't so bad. More recently in our fourth and fifth year when we perfected sneaking out after surfew and snaeking to Hogsmede.

We have had some good times together and I have a feeling that this year is going to be the best yet.

Turning around I fall asleep quickly, into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.
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