

“I bet I can jump in this lake,” Justin Bieber said confidently while smiling.

“Whatever!” Lori said. “You’d probably freeze your little skinny butt out there. Not like you have one anyway.” She flashed a quick smirk before busting out in laughter.

“You’re just a killjoy Lor,” Justin remarked. “I can do anything. Did you forget that I’m flippin’ Justin Bieber!?” He asked playfully.

“Hmm. Justin Bieber, did you say? Sorta rings a bell. Do you mean that kid that I use to play in the sandbox in? The one that cried when he got sand in his eyes? Is that the one you’re talking about?” Lori finished.

Justin glared at her before talking in a dramatic voice. “Why yes, I do believe that is the same one we are talking about.”

“You’re so dumb.”

“You love it,” Justin said before flashing off his signature smile.

Justin Bieber and his best friend, Lori Smith, were on a little break from Justin’s world tour. He had brought his best friend along for some fun and companionship. The massive tour bus was parked about a block away and the two teenagers had decided to get some fresh air and to stretch their muscles out. Not to mention that ever since Justin’s career blasted off, Lori and him didn’t really get to spend that much time together. The time and miles apart had bothered both of them. The pain of missing their best friend drove both teenagers into desperately sad moods.

Justin was still leaning on the metal rails. Lori was standing in front of him and taking in the view of the beautiful scenery.

“Like what you see?” Justin asked while raising an eyebrow. The slight eyebrow movement was hardly caught due to Justin’s shaggy hair.

Lori winked and grinned broadly. She walked over to Justin and grabbed his grey beanie and placed it over her dark hair. Her brown eyes shined with happiness and laughter. Justin shook his head and his dark blonde hair went all over the place. Flipping it back, he ran his hand through it so that it was presentable.

“Oh Justin,” Lori said. Justin smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her curvy waist. He walked behind her and put his chin on top of her raven hair.

“I miss this,” he mumbled in her hair.

“Me too,” she replied back sadly. “Remember the days when it was just me and you?”

“Course I do. Those were the days, I’ll never forget them.”

“Remember when you use to be too shy to sing in front of anybody? And all you did was sing to me?” Lori asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Ahh, I can’t forget those Lori Bear. I can’t forget anything that had you in it,” Justin said.


“Duh Lori!” Justin said while laughing. “You’re my best friend. You’re my favorite girl. You’re my shawty. Come on Lori! You know this.”

Nodding her head underneath his, Lori choked back tears. She did know. Everything that Justin did was a reminder of the days when it was just them two. His songs, his words, his everything revolved around their younger years.

“It’ll always be there, babe,” he said in his husky voice.

“Always,” Lori mumbled.

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I'm not too sure about this.