Status: Slowly Active :) thanks for being patient you guys :)

We're Headed for Heartbreak

Sam never expected his brother to show up at Stanford and lead him on a wild goose chase for their father. He never intended for it to be more than a one weekend thing. He planned on going back to college, Jessica......a normal life away from hunting. That all gets turned around when Jessica is killed, the same way his mother died. Now, a year after Jessica's death, he's still on the road with Dean. Just him and his brother. His brother. The only family he has left. His parents were only children, and Mary and John are dead. He's ready to get back on his feet and find his comfort in random, faceless women, but he just can't bring himself to do it. He finally falls in love....but, with the luck of a Winchester, he's not risking anything.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or the boys :'( how sad. lol, rated R for language.....may change the rating later if i can find someone to possibly write an "alone time" scene for me....I can't write sex well o.O this story isn't really on the story line of the's post Season 2 premiere, but they aren't hunting Azazel and stuff. They're just hunting

Warning: Wincest in later chapters. Don't like, don't read. You've been warned.

They say we're headed for a heart heart heartbreak
And I don't ever ever wanna hear you say
Don't say you love me, don't even.
Don't say you love me, you're leaving.

Big thanks to lips of deceit for the epic banner! :)