Status: All done :) Thank you for reading.

Fuzzy Blue Socks

Smile Happily

A loud banging noise was what woke him.
Groggily Sage limped to the door.
“Yeah?” he asked, opening the door.
“Oh snap you were asleep.” I had been afraid of that. “Sorry, I forgot to ask you for the key before I left and-“ I left off.
“It’s fine… Sophie needs to eat. “He said rubbing an eye. “But first I have to pee.”
“Need some help?” I asked, trying to be helpful.
“Just feed the cat.” He said disappearing further into the condo.
I grumbled about cranky blind guys for a moment as I searched for the cat food. Well… at least maybe I’d get to the cat again.
After taking care of his business, Sage trudged into the kitchen.
“What time is it?” he asked, scratching head while carefully kicking off his shoes.
“Past eleven.” I said standing. “Ugh, I cant believe you slept in your clothes. You should have let me take them off of you.”
Sage smirked. “You must really want to take my clothes off.”
I blinked, feeling heat rise to blotch my neck.
“I was just thinking to make you more comfortable. Jeez.” I said trying to sound offended to cover up my embarrassment.
Sage laughed briefly. “I was kidding.” He said/ but yes, I would like you to help me change.”
I gave him a look, that went of course unnoticed. “You know, when said that way, it sounds weird.”
He rolled his eyes, remembering the action from before the accident. “Just help me.” He ordered huffily.
Sage felt Jaylen’s hands guide his arm over the others shoulders. Blunt objects poked into the inside of his elbow.
“What’s around your neck?” he asked, lifting his fingertips to brush the unknown object that circled Jaylen’s throat.
“A dog collar?”
I smiled, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Ruff.”
He chuckled as they entered the bedroom. Jaylen sat Sage on the bed.
“Sleepwear is in the first drawer in the tall dresser.”
“Roger.” I would have saluted but there wasn’t a point.
I rummaged around, feeling awkward, before coming back to Sage.
“I feel like a panty thief…” I muttered under my breath, more to myself than to him.
Sage Felt Jaylen press his clothes into his hand. He began to undress.
The sight of Sage’s bare chest brought heat to my face. I looked away.
Since when was I so modest? I wondered. One bare chest looked like another to me, and when you worked were I did, you see quite a few. So it surprised me that I was so embarrassed.
“How can I help?” I asked.
I gritted my teeth against the wave of embarrassment and scolded myself for being so perverted. I had offered to help hadn’t I? It wasn’t that big deal.
Sage pulled off his jeans; with the help of Jaylen he was able to avoid his swollen ankle. He pulled a baggy t-shirt on before slipping loose cotton pajama bottoms over his boxers.
“Much better.”
A low growling sound erupted into the silence. Sage put his hand to his stomach. Food…
When was the last time he had eaten? No memory of food came to mind.
“Can you cook?” he asked, directing his eyes to where he thought the other was.
Did he even have food to cook? He had bought food… six days ago. He had no idea what was left.
“Oh, I brought some food back from the bar.” I said cheerfully
“Really?” Sage asked hopefully. “What kind?”
“Uh, some cheese sticks, hot wings, chili fries, soda, nachos; bar food.” I explained. “Hold on.” Ran back into the kitchen, and brought back a warm grocery bag.
“Yay.” Sage felt something being pushed into his hand. He sniffed curiously at the food.
“Chili cheese fries?”
“You know it baby.” I said plopping down on the bed, cheese sticks in hand. After savoring a giant bite of melty cheesy goodness, I said,
“So, can I ask you something?”
Sage paused in his gorging. He looked up with his brows raised.
“Yeah.” He said covering his mouthful of cheese.
I nibbled fried bread crumbs, thinking.
“How is it? Not being able to see? Like, how do pick your clothes or go shopping?”
Sage pondered the thought carefully, chewing. “Well… I remember colors when I could see. I have to order clothes off the internet. Food is really hard to shop for…” he paused to stuff another fry into his mouth. “I have to pay my neighbor to help me shop.”
I glanced around the bedroom. Here, as in the living room, was filled with bright neon clashing colors and textures.
“You know… maybe next time I should take you ‘cause… this is terrible.” I finished off my cheese sticks and reached for a diet coke. “I can get food for you too, if you want. I don’t mind.”
Jaylen wanted to spend time with him? Without pay? Mixed emotions swelled within his chest. Excitement, hope, and suspicion. Why did he want to help him so much? Was it guilt? All well, it didn’t matter. The happiness was over whelming.
“Okay.” He said brightly.
I blinked, staring openly before I could stop myself. It was times like this that being around a blind guy was a good thing. It was just, when Sage smiled, his whole face seemed to brighten, and I found it hard to look away.
“Okay. What kind of food do you like?”
“Hmm..” he took a bite out of a hot wing. “Ah! Hot!” Sage flailed around, searching for his drink.
I laughed and pushed the soda into his flailing hand.
“Haha sorry, should have warned you. Mama Pepper makes the hottest wings this side of 10th and wallstreet.”
Sage chugged half of the soda.
“Better.” He said in relief. “I like all food, except really spicy food.” He answered finally.
I laughed again. “I wonder why…” I smiled happily relishing in the moment before I noticed something. “Oh, hold up you have something on your face.” I leaned forward, and carefully whipped the cheese from the corner of his mouth. “There, much better.”
Jaylen’s soft hands brushed his face. The touch felt intimate almost. He turned away, feeling heat flame up his neck.
“Uh, thanks.”
I drew my hand back quickly, curling it into a fist in my lap.
“Um, I’m just gonna go change, be right back.” I scrambled off the bed and hurried to where I had dropped my bag. I clutched it to my chest, cursing myself.
What was up with that? Ugh, I was so stupid.
After changing I wandered back into the room, tugging at the him of my eeore night gown. I’d grabbed it out of habit, but now I realized it was a little weird.
Sage was laying back on the bed, his hands resting on his stomach contently.
I had to smile.
“I back.” I announced.
[To be continued…]