Status: All done :) Thank you for reading.

Fuzzy Blue Socks

The Sound of Your Heartbeat

Sage smiled, but kept his eyes closed. “Welcome back.”
I crawled back on the bed to a spot not completely covered by food containers. I curled into a ball, facing him.
“’Kay so since I asked you something, anything you wanna know?”
“Yeah, do you work at the bar?” Sage asked noticing the waft of liquor. Although it was there before, it was faint, but now the cucumber melon was smothered by the strong scent. It didn’t bother him, but he liked Jaylen’s fruity smell better.
“Mmhmm. I work bar and dance. Wes lets me stay in the apartment upstairs too, as long as I still bring in customers.” I chuckled, thinking of past customers.
“Ah…” Sage opened his eyes. “Wait… dance are you a stripper?”
I laughed out loud. “No, no, nothing like that! Honey I don’t take my clothes off for no one.” I finally said and grinned. “To their great disappointment of course.”
Sage chuckled, but ended up groaning and grabbing his stomach.
“Ah, I ate too much.”
I stretched languishly.
“Mmm me too. If I keep this up I’m going to get fat.” I patted my completely flat stomach.
“Therapist are supposed to be fat, so I’m good.” Sage stated with a faint grin, patting his abs.
I chuckled and looked at his completely toned body. Uh huh, I didn’t think there was a single thing of fat on the boy.
“Then you have a ways to go hun ‘cause you are so not fat it should be a crime.”
“Likewise I guess…” That brought up past thoughts from long ago. “Hey Jaylen, What’s my hair color?”
The question surprised me, mainly because it was so odd. I turned to study him, trying to make my answer as detailed as possible.
“Red, but not like, fire engine red, its more like the color of leaves in fall. Oh and there’s some lighter oranges up on top, from the sun I guess.”
His brows knitted together, trying to paint the image in his head. “My hair used to be… orange.” He muttered, recalling the memory.
“What about you? What’s your hair and eye color?”
I was suddenly tempted to say that I had green hair and yellow eyes, but managed to restrain myself.
“My eyes are grey, and naturally my hair’s brown, but I wear a lot of different wigs so I really just depends on what mood I’m in.”
“Wigs?” Sage paused. “Oh… fake hair.” He couldn’t help but to smile at the thought. “Okay.”
“Yes, fake hair.” I laughed. “Jeez how do you not know what wigs are? Oh and don’t make fun of my fake hair. “I sniffed dramatically. “It’s very pretty for your information.”
“How was I supposed to know that you were sensitive over your fake hair?” Sage asked teasingly.
“Shut up!” I grabbed a plush violet pillow and threw it at his head. “Meany!”
“Ah!” Sage lifted his arms to block the expected missle.
He landed on the furry rug. He began to laugh even harder as he tried to get up.
“Oh mi gawd!” I cried and skittered to the edge of the bed. I peered down at Sage.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah… but I think I just injured my leg even more.” He sighed. “oh well.”
Slithering off the bed I landed next to him, hands fluttering anxiously.
“I’m so sorry! I wasn’t expecting you to fall!”
Sage began to laugh again. “It’s okay, really, just help me up.”
I worried my lip nervously as I helped him to stand. His greater weight threatened to push me back down.
“Off! How is someone so skinny this heavy?” I complained.
Sage fell onto the bed, making it rock a little.
“It’s called muscle.” He answered, shifting into a comfortable position on his back.
“Hmm..” my eyes scanned over him, stretched out as he was. Beneath the loose folds of his shirt I could just make out the harder lines of his torso. Oh yeah, he had muscle alright. Slowly I went back to my previous spot.
“Whatever. How’d you get all the muscle anyways?”
“Boredom.” He stated flatly. “T.V is extremely boring to me, so I go to the gym. Sometimes I play tennis.”
“How does that work? The tennis thing?” I asked, distracting my self from any images that may threaten to take my mind in places it shouldn’t go.
“Oh… umm… a ball that has a sound inside it.” Sage said feeling his body begin to slow.
So tired…
He covered a yawn with a hand.
“Oh… okay.” Chilled I scurried under the covers, the action bringing my closer to Sage. I curled up and let my eyes drift shut.
“So, anything else… you like to do?” I mumbled sleepily.
“I like… eating bread…” he murmured. The warmth of Jaylen’s body comforted Sage somehow. Sage turned to get more comfortable, making his nose drift into Jaylen’s hair. Sleep finally took over his mind as his breathing deepened.
I heard Sage’s breathing slow, and I knew he had fallen asleep. My mind was fuzzy with sleep as I scooted closer until I was completely pressed against the solid form of his body. My hands reached out over the blankets to wrap around his back. Finally, my face pressed into his chest, and the sound of his heartbeat thudding in my ears, I drifted off to sleep with a contented sigh.
[To be Continued… <3]