Status: All done :) Thank you for reading.

Fuzzy Blue Socks

Take a Shower with Me?

Blood.Glass. The sickening sound of flesh hitting flesh. Darkness engulfing color forever.
Sage awakened with a gasp. Soft arms circled around him in warmth. Sage’s body automatically relaxed as he brought his arms around Jaylen, bring the smaller person closer.
It was nice to have someone there for you, Sage realized as he breathed in the sweet fragrance of Jaylen.
Letting out an aggravated groan he reached behind him and slammed down on the alarm clock.
The annoying sound and Sage’s sudden movement woke me.
“Nghhhh.” I tried to snuggle closer. “five more minutes…” I murmured.
“My thoughts exactly….” Sage slurred, shifting back into place
The rumbling of his voice surprised me. I gasped, pulling away sharply as my brain came fully into awareness.
I tried to scramble away but my legs collided with the forgotten food containers still on the bed from the night before.
“Shiz.” I cursed, my hand falling into chili. As is things weren’t bad enough…
He flinched at the sudden rush of cold air that hit him as Jaylen pulled away.
“What?” he asked sitting up. Sage ran a hand through his hair before his fingers caught on a giant knot.
With light fingertips Sage examined the substance that clumped the strands toether.
Was that cheese?
“I think a shower is necessary…”
I looked down at the chili sticking to my fingers.
“Oh yeah. Next time, lets make sure to clean the food off before crashing…”
My cheeks still burned, and I tried hard to keep my original embarrassment from my voice. Again, I found myself grateful that Sage couldn’t see my face.
I glanced at him and couldn’t help the giggle that slid up my throat.
“Wow, it looks like someone dumped nachos on your head.”
“Interesting…” He said with a slight smile. But what got him were the words “next time’”. The thought ticked him. But he didn’t dare show it.
“Do you want the shower first?” he asked.
“Uh… I think you might need it more.” I smiled and pulled a soggy chip from his hair. “I somehow seemed to have missed the majority of it.”
“Oh… I guess it’s really bad then…” he grimaced. “Okay I’ll go first.” He leaned forward to get up, but then paused. “Uh… can you help me?”
“Oh! Yeah, hold on.” In order to avoid the food that decorated the comforter I found I had to choices; climb over Sage, or carefully pick my way along the headboard. Ehhhh…. It just wasn’t worth it.
“Ummm so I’m gonna have to climb over you okay? So hold still.”
Slowly, trying to avoid hitting his injured leg or kneeing him anywhere that shouldn’t be kneed, I crawled over him. Finally, my feet hit fuzzy green carpet. Victory!
With Jaylen’s help, he managed to get into the bathroom without incident.
“You know…” Sage said as the other was helping him with his pants. “it would be quicker if we just took a shower together.”
My head snapped up and I stared at him with my mouth hanging open. My entire face went scarlet as I replayed in my head what he had just said.
WHAT?! We happen to spend one night together and the boys already wants to hop in the shower with me? Wow I knew I was good but not that good.
But as I stared into Sage’s face I knew he hadn’t meant it in the perverse way my brain had taken the sentence.
I sighed. Oi. Where all blind people this naive?
“Uh, no.” I cleared my throat. “That’s alright, I’ll just wait. You can get your boxers yourself? Okay good.” And with that I fled the bathroom.
Sage blinked. Did he say something weird again? He mentally shrugged before continuing to undress. After making sure all the cheese was washed from his hair, he got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He threw his clothes in the hamper before limping into the next room.

I had just finished shoving the last food container into a trash bag when I heard Sage’s return.
“Hey, I cleaned up most of the mess but you’re seriously gonna have to wash the blankets. So you have a washer? I can probably do it for you.” Here I turned, and ran smack into a solid wall of wet Sage flesh.
Damn. I had got to stop doing that…
“Yeah… uhh the laundry room is 14 steps away from the kitchens right door.” He said stepping back to get out of Jaylen’s path.
“Sorry.” He muttered, hopping towards the closet.
“That’s okay…” I mumbled. “Oh I already picked some clothes out for you. They’re on top of the dresser.” I grabbed the bundle of my own clothes. “’Kay, gonna go get a shower. Don’t die ‘til I get back.”
And I disappeared in the pink decorated bathroom.

[To be continued... <3]