Status: All done :) Thank you for reading.

Fuzzy Blue Socks


Sage’s hands found the folded clothing.
Boxers. Jaylen had forgotten to pick boxers out.
5 drawer tall dresser. Six steps across the room. So far away…

Upon reentering the room it was to see Sage slowly hobbling forward, his hands outstretched, and about o run into a wall.
“Whoa hold it mister.” I caught his arm. “ Where you going?”

“Boxers." He stated simply, pointing to the space in front of him. “You forgot boxers.”
“Uh huh. Well unless your unders are hanging on the wall that’s not the right way. Stay.” I pushed a hand to his chest as emphasis. I hurried tot eh dresser and rummaged for boxers. Now I really was a panty thief…
“Wha-la” I said pressing the retrieved underwear to his hand.

“Yay.” He said, reaching for the towel around his waist.

“Ahh!” The tiny scream slipped from my lips before I could stop it. Jeez did this boy have no modesty?
Quickly I darted my eyes to the ceiling, telling myself by no means would I look down. Hopefully.
Swiftly as he could, Sage slipped on his boxers.
Okay, mission accomplished.
"Can you hand me the pair of jeans?” he asked pointing to where he thought he left the pants.
“Okay.” I went to get them. “ Here I’ll help you.” I was just bottoming up his jeans when the door suddenly opened and a bundle of floral walked in. the old woman froze, I froze, and Sage just kind of stood there. And then her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed.
Oh My God!
“What just happened.” Sage asked.
The scent of powder and roses wafted into his nose.
Mrs. Suzie?
“Did someone just come in?” He was so confused.

“Yeah… some old granny. I think she’s dead.” Jaylen said slowly.

“No… I can hear her breathing.” Sage mumbled.
“Go get a wet wash rag. Make sure it’s cold.” He said kneeling down next to the old woman.
I did as I was told and pressed the rag to her forehead.
“Uh, who is this exactly?” But before Sage could reply the woman jumped awake, her powdered face contorting into a gasp. As soon as her eyes met mine however she scowled.
“Sage!” she said grabbing his hand.
“Hey, Mrs. Suzie.” He replied. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s Friday.” She said simply, her voice crackeled as if she had spent her whole 75 years of life smoking. “We always go shopping on Friday.” Her dark Asian eyes shifted to Jaylen. “I didn’t know you took prostitutes home Sage.”
My mouth fell open as I stared at her.
Prostitute? PROSTITUTE?!?! Wow, that was a new one….
I was going to correct her, and try not to laugh as I did so, when Sage interrupted.
“Mrs. Suzie, Jaylen isn’t a prostitute. And please don’t insult people like that…. Its rude.”
“He looks like a prostitute…” she mumbled as she struggled to stand.
Sage sighed and helped her to her feet.
Did i?
I glanced down at myself. I was wearing my favorite Jeffery Start shirt, completely with fish net decorations, rainbow fingerless gloves that went to my elbows, black short shorts and knee high converse.
That’s what she thought prostitutes wore? Wow I think I’m offended…
But I only smiled, for Sage’s benefit.
“No it’s okay Sage, it’s an easy mistake.”
Mrs. Suzie cast me a reproachful glance and sniffed.
Annoyance level elevated.
“Well what else was I supposed to think? I walked in here to see that boy with his hands all over you like that.” She cried.
What? I was helping him put ON his pants!
Oh grr….
Sage sighed while running a hand through his damp hair.
“He was helping put on my clothes cause I sprained, possibly broke, my ankle.” He explained.
“Oh you poor dear! Let’s get you to the hospital.” Mrs. Suzie said with a forced sympathy in her tone.
“No, that’s alright Mrs. Suzie, I won’t be needing your services today.” Sage knew the woman all to well. All she wanted was the money. Mrs. Suzie gave a rude “hmph” noise before she stomped out of the room. A few moments later, he heard the front door slam.
As soon as the old lady left I bust out laughing. I had to place a hand on Sage’s arm just to keep from falling over.
“Ohmigawd What was THAT?”
“The neighbor is… uh… weird.”
It was a good word to describe Mrs. Suzie.
That greedy Asian.
“I can see that. Wow. I think I’m offended by that prostitute thing. “ I muttered.
Seriously, did I LOOK like one that much? I wasn’t even in drag at the moment.
Sage shrugged, “You look fine to me.”
I looked up at him.
“You know, as you’re blind, that doesn’t say much.”
He grinned.
I just shook my head, pushing his shirt in his hand.
“Put a shirt on would ya, before some other old lady walks in an accuses me of molesting you.

[To be continued... <3]
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LOL okay so i totally forgot i never updated this.
I dunno if anyone even reads this honestly....