Status: All done :) Thank you for reading.

Fuzzy Blue Socks

How you touch me

Oh snap.
Never, ever, are the words ‘I want to talk to your friend’ a good thing. Ever. This time was no different.
That question, why THAT question?!
“I- we’re… uh… I broke his foot.” I finally stammered.
Doc raised his eyebrows.
“I ran into him-seriously. I was gonna take him to the hospital, but then the cat thing and so… yeah.”
“But you stayed over at his place last night?”
Heat tinted my cheeks at the suggestive tone he used.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t really deny too much.
“Then you would say you’re a little more than just friends right?” He said and I could only stare at him open mouthed, for once in my life, at a loss for words.
Doc smiled at Jaylen’s expression.
So cute.
It was a shame that Sage wasn’t able to see this boy’s face. It was so interesting!
“I don’t want to see Sage hurt again.” Jaylen gave him a questioning look. “Sage wasn’t just hurt physically, but mentally and emotionally.” Doc paused, remembering the numerous heartbreaks.
“Sage lost his eyesight when he was ten. On his way home one day he wandered into a gang’s turf.” Doc swallowed. “They beat him to a pulp. Someone found him eventually and brought him to the ER.”
He ran a hand through his receding hairline. “We managed to save his life, but not his eyes. Apparently during the beating they had hit a certain area of his head which made him permanently blind.”
Doc’s blue eyes met with Jaylen’s gray. “As he grew older women just kept taking advantage of him. Some just wanted to bang him… other wanted his money, making Sage lock away his true feelings.” He paused again. “If you hurt Sage, I’ll personally make sure you have a horrible death. I am a doctor.”
Suddenly he smiled. “Now that’s out of the way, let’s go check on Sage ‘kay?”

I stared after him, flabbergasted.
What the crap?
My mind whirled as I followed numbly after Doc. What to think of first? Oh how about how I had just been threatened by a doctor?! Or maybe about Sage’s past? The tragedy of his loss of eyesight or about the stupid women?
A certain kind of hatred burned in my chest at those idiot girls. I found I hated them even if I didn’t know them.
Suddenly techno music started blaring from my pocket. I jumped and Doc looked back at me with a raised eyebrow.
“Uh, I have to take this, be right there.”
He nodded, smiling and disappeared into a doorway.
Looking at the caller ID I saw it was Wes.
“Yeah?” I answered.
“Jaylen! Hey! So, I know you weren’t planin’ on come’n in tonight but you think you can?” Wes asked loudly, behind him I could hear the day time sounds of the bar.
“Uh…” I think about Sage, alone in his house. “I’m kinda stayin with someone tonight…” My cheeks flushed at how bad it sounded. I would be questioned later…
“Ohhhhhhh.” He paused. “Well bring him with you then! I just need you to watch the bar tonight.”
I thought about it, and a slow smiled curved my lips.
“Alight. I’ll be there at eight.”
“So you just sprained it.” Doc said, carefully wrapping up Sage’s ankle.
“You’ll be fine, you’ll be better in a few days of rest. Just take some over the counter pain killers when you hurt, ‘kay?”
Sage nodded.
“Well you’re good to go.” Doc stood. Sage could hear the smile in his voice. He felt Doc press the crutches in his hands. Sage propped them up under his arms.
“Now, Jaylen, remember what we talked about.”
I looked over at Doc and nodded.
“I will.” It’s not often I get threatened in a doctor’s office…
As Sage and I walked from the building Sage asked, “What did you talk about?”
I waved for a taxi.
“Just you know, stuff.”
“Yeah. Stuff.” The yellow taxi slid to a stop. “So what do you wanna do now?” I asked as I helped him inside.
“Of course.”
Sage told the driver of the location of a café he knew. As they entered the café soft classical music greeted him with the smell of coffee. They sat down in a cold booth.
“It’s been a while Sage.” A female voice greeted.
“Hey Ashley.”
Ashley was a blonde that loved the color blue, but unfortunately her uniform was all black.
“What can I get you guys today?”
“Coffee. Black.”
“Double chocolate chip frappy.” I Said regarding the pretty blonde girl with cold eyes.
Could this be a past fling?
Hmm they sounded friendly enough…
She walked away with a parting smiled at Sage which was completely wasted.
I leaned forward on my elbows and said, “She smiled at you by the way.”
“Which was completely pointless.” He stated flatly, adjusting the crutches so that they were out of the way.
“What are you hungry for, lunch or breakfast?”
“Don’t really care.” I muttered and flopped my head down on the table.
Doc’s words hovered in my head, I wanted to talk about it but didn’t know how.
Sage felt something hit the table. He stretched out a hand questionably. His fingers came in contact with hair.
I turned my head on the table to look questionably at Sage.
“I wasn’t expecting it to be your head.” Sage said and I chuckled.
“Well it is.” I grabbed his hand and dropped it on the top of my head. “See?”
“Oh…” His fingers began to run though Jaylen’s hair, feeling the length and the softness. He couldn’t help himself. He continued to the other’s face, his light fingertips brushing over Jaylen’s bone structure, his amazingly soft skin, his long thick eyelashes, his lush mouth. Suddenly Sage felt Jaylen bite his lip.
I opened my mouth to say something, anything, nothing, I don’t even know, when there came a clearing of a throat and I jumped back to see Ashley standing beside the table; our drinks in hand.
“Excuse me.” She said flashing a smile my way.
Sage removed his hands and put them in his lap. He heard his drink slide onto the table.
“Do you want food today?” Ashley asked, her cheerful tone forced.
“Um, I’d like a pesto chicken sandwich. Do you want anything Jaylen? My treat.” He smiled in the direction of the other.
I glanced down at my menu, ordering the first thing my eyes saws, and then intently sipped my frappy. Maybe, if I was lucky, it would cool down the heat that had flooded my body. Oh boy.
Ashley must had waundered away and there might have been a long silence I was wasn’t aware of because Sage suddenly tilted his head to the side.
I startled, looking up to find I had already downed half of my drink.
“Uh, yeah."
“Do you smell something burning?”
“No, why?”
Suddenly a shrill noise screamed though the café. Sage grabbed his crutches and stood only to pause.
“Wait, save the coffee!”

“The coffee? What the crap forget the coffee! I’ll buy you another one.” I yell, grabbing him and dragging him from the building.
Coughing we lumbered a few blocks before collapsing on a park bench. Sirens pierced the air.

[To be continued...<3]
♠ ♠ ♠
Little bit about Sage's past!
Evil girls are evil.