Status: All done :) Thank you for reading.

Fuzzy Blue Socks

Kiss Me Softly

Sage coughed the smoke out of his lungs as they sat, inhaling the fresh (as fresh as New York can get) air.
“I’m still hungry…” he stated after a few minutes.
Was that hot dogs he smelt?
“Jaylen, how far is that hot dog stand to my right?” he asked.
He felt his mouth water. So hungry…
I looked at the hot dog stand, then at Sage.
Was he sure he was blind?
“Not far… you want a hot dog?” At his nod I stood. “Alright, be right back, don’t die.”
I hurried away, cringing at the scent of smoke in my clothes. Ew.
Two juicy franks in hand I walked back, putting one in his outstretched hand. It was gone in two seconds.
“Damnnnn boy. Did you even taste that?”
Sage paused before licking his fingers.
“I was hungry…” he said innocently.
I laughed and ate my own hot dog at a much slower pace.
“So… you wanna go to my place tonight?”
“That sounds dirty…”
I blinked in surprise, but shrugged.
“You can take it that way if you want.”

“Maybe I will.” Sage slipped his thumb in his mouth to remove the ketchup.
“So why your place tonight?”
“Because maybe I want to sleep in my own bed.” Jaylen said, sounding amused.
“You don’t like my bed?” Sage asked.
“Well, it WAS covered in food.” There was a soft thump and Sage figured Jaylen had managed to throw the wax paper into the trash can.
“Good point.”
I laughed and sagged against his shoulder.
“Ugh I’m so tired. Who knew running from a burning building while dragging along a cripple could be so exhausting.”
I sighed dramatically.
“Yep, this cripple is exhausted as well.”
He sighed as a soft breeze blew, bringing the scent of water and hot grass. He could hear the tree’s groan in protest as the wind moved them. Birds and people conversed in murmurs.
It was so peaceful…

I stayed as i was, my eyes drawn down to Sage’s hands, resting lightly in his lap. He had long square fingers, like guys were supposed to. I held up mine in comparison. Next to his my own were tiny. I wondered suddenly what it would feel like to hold his hand…
I jerked out of my revee, calling myself an idiot.
“Anyways, I asked you over cause Wes wants me to work bar tonight and I don’t want to leave you alone again.”

“Oh... okay.” He said tiredly. “So… how far is your place?” he asked running a hand through his hair. He wanted a shower. Smoke clung to his skin and to Jaylen’s, smothering the cucumber melon smell. Maybe they would have time to take a nap…

“Mm, kinda far… but we can get a taxi.” I jumped up, pulling on his arm. “Come on. I want a shower. I smell horrible and you do too.” I added, sniffing him.
The taxi ride this time was much more pleasant, the driver actually knowing how to drive. We arrived infront of a two story brick building.
“Oh… there’s stairs. Think you can manage?”
“Yeah….” Sage stated, dragging out the word. “Maybe, how many stairs?”
I looked up, counting.
“Um, two flights maybe? 12 each? So…. 24.”
I bit my lip. Damnit why didn’t Wes have an elevator?
And so began the strenuous journey up the stairs. By the time they reached the top, Sage was breathless and sweating.
Who ever built the building should die horribly… Sage decided this as he collapsed into a chair.


I crawled on a bean bag chair. Oi.
“Okay, I am officially ready for a shower. And a nap. Ohhhh sleep.” I closed my eyes and breathed for a second. Usually those stairs were no sweat for me, but with helping Sage… and him being so much bigger than me… I was tired.
I frowned towards Sage, he looked awfully hot. And not just physically.
“Here, have a soda. I’ll be back and then you can hop in okay?” I pressed the cold can to his neck. He sighed contently. Unable to resist I pushed his reddish locks away from his face.
“Be back.” And I hurried to the shower.

He sighed, pressing the cold can against his face. So hot…
His under arms were raw from the crutches.
Sage drained the can before closing his eyes.
Jaylen’s apartment smelled like a mixture of jolly ranchers, cucumber melon, and the moister from the shower. He could hear the water crashing down upon Jaylen’s form. The faint murmurs of the bar below were muffled by the floor. There was a slight smell of alcohol.
For some reason Sage couldn’t stop thinking about Jaylen. His laughter, his soft skin,, the softness of his hair, the interesting way his brain worked, the way he exaggerated everything. Everything about the boy was fascinating.
Sage knew that he liked Jaylen, but he was beginning to that that feeling went deeper than that.
Yet he hardly knew anything about him…


With a puff of steam I walked out of the bathroom.
“Hey Sage I’m don-“ I stopped midsentence as my eyes fell upon Sage, lax and still in the chair. His head was leaned back, his eyes closed.
“Sage?” I questioned, carefully walking towards him. He didn’t move, just breathed deeply.
“Did you already fall asleep without me?” My voice was soft, as to not to wake him.
Looking down at his relaxed face I smiled, reaching out a hand to trace the line of his parted lips.
Quickly, I leaned down and pressed my lips softly against his. I lingered a moment, half wishing he would wake up, before turning and hurrying to my room, my face bright red.

The touch of Jaylen’s lips was what woke him. He kept still as the boy kissed him, not wanting to ruin the moment. He waited until Jaylen’s footsteps had faded into silence.
Sage traced his lips with his fingertips, remembering the soft warmth that had pressed against them. He had been kissed before, but never so…. Tenderly. He had never been kissed by a guy before either.
Wait…. Jaylen was gay?!
But the thing that surprised Sage the most was that he had liked it. So… was Sage gay?
His mind wheeled with questions.
Whatever. He needed a shower.
Sage got up and went into the bathroom
He managed to take off his clothes by himself this time, and turned on the water, but… which bottle was shampoo?
“Hey Jaylen!”

I had just pulled my shirt over my head when I heard my name.
“Yeah!” I jelled back. Wasn’t he just asleep?
“Which one is the soap?” Sage asked from the bathroom.
I chuckled.
“It’s the one on the- AHHH!” Upon walking into the bathroom it was to the sight of Sage, all 5 feet 11 inches of him, completely naked.
I snapped my eyes shut but the image was engraved into my eyelids.
Oh. My. God.
My whole body had to be bright red.

“Whats wrong?” he demanded. Sage nearly jumped out of his skin when Jaylen screamed. Was there a rat somewhere? What caused him to scream like that?
Wait… was he wearing a towel?
Quickly Sage wrapped a towel around his waist.

“Is it safe yet?” I muttered. My heart was jack hammering against my rib cage. My whole body felt hot. God the boy was going to give me a heart attack…
I peeked an eye open to see the fuzzy baby blue towel wrapped around Sage’s slim hips.
I was totally not disappointed.
“Please, remember the towel…” I said in a tired voice.
Sage flushed.
I sighed and gazed at him a moment. He was such an odd person…
The memory of his lips under mine made me flush, a dull throb aching in my chest.
“The shampoo bottle is right here.” I picked up his hand and pressed it to the bottle. “This is the hot, and this is the cold. The sponge is here, and the body wash here. “I guided his fingers over each one in turn and smiled. “That is, if you don’t mind smelling like me of course.”

“As long as I don’t smell like smoke, it’ll be alright.” He said as he heard Jaylen exit the bathroom. Sage waited until he heard the door shut before removing the towel and turned on the water.
With a sigh Sage emerged from the bathroom. The smell of steam and cucumber melon followed him as he limped into Jaylen’s bedroom, wearing boxers and a towel on his head.
“Can I borrow some clothes?” he asked, emphasizing the smoke smelling clothes he clutched in his head. But what worried him the most was; will Jaylen’s clothes even fit him?
“Uhhhh..” I thought about it. “I don’t think…. So…. You’re so much taller…. And I don’t think even my guy clothes would fit you….”
I worried my lip and an idea struck me.
“Oh! I bet Wes has some downstairs. Hold on.”
I skimmed a hand across his arm as I bounded down stairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heeheehee Yes we're devious girls who love to create awkward situations.
I hope? Comments? Maybe?
The little thing tells me someone reads this!!
Ghost readers.... i see how it is....