Did My Art Teacher Just Flirt With Me?

It Was Almost Perfect

We finally got home. No more crying. No more hugging, and no more screaming. I know, it's weird to see a guy like this but hearing the story about Kimberly made me realize they weren't just a couple. they were planning on a forever scale kind of thing.

"Thanks for... coming to the show." He said as we got out of the car.

"I needed a night out anyway." I said slowly. I had to be careful since he wasn't in such a good mood. "Um... you okay?"

He shrugged."Guess so." He walked towards the house as if nothing had happened.

I followed him quickly tugging him by the shirt. "Don't bullshit me, stop trying to act all cool and emo."

He turned to look at me. His face so stern. "Maybe I am cool and emo."

"Egotistic." I muttered as we both entered the house.

My dad sat on the couch recliner couch watching the latest football game. His eyes glued to the TV as he cheered for his team. The cowboys. "Come on! Come on... TOUCH DOWN! Yes!" He shouted shaking with joy.

We both decided to leave him alone to his game. After all this was his night off. I walked towards my room and Alex to his. My eyes were drawn to the floor but slowly they took a peek at Alex. He was staring right back at me! I quickly looked away opening the door.


And slamming it shut.

I heard his door slowly creak open and then close. I took a deep shaky breath before letting it all out, sliding down to my hard wood floor. He was staring at me. Alex was staring at me and you know what I did? I blew it. I freaked out and ran.

I leaned against the wall that seperated us, listening to his feet slowly pacing around the room. They got louder and louder until they stopped. Right at the wall. I held my breath, listening close to hear what he might've been doing. Minutes passed by, I was about to quit when I heard a knock at my two-way door.


I froze.

"Rachael? Are you asleep?"

I began to panic as I stood up abruptly letting a loud thump echoing in my room. "Hey open this door, I want to say something..."

My hands were hot, sticky, and sweaty as I struggled to open the door. When I did, I saw Alex on the otherside, his room neat as always, his guitar, sound system and everything displayed. He stood under the flourescent lights staring at me with a smile so small I wasn't so sure if it was one.

"I know I've been a jerk to you, but maybe now you get it. It's how I've been for a while." He said slowly. It seemed he planned this out. He didn't stumble on his words at all. I nodded in response. "Not that I'm saying it was all me, you were a bit of a bitch yourself." He added.

I quirked my eyebrow but nodded anyway. "Well, I guess, well..." He paused. "Just... thanks. Thanks for tonight. Don't tell the other guys though or I'll seriously... no I mean it. I'll get you back for it."

My eyes looked down as I nodded. He sounded so cute when he was nervous. With that last statement he seemed to have calmed down but still. I felt like we were finally... getting along. Or at least we weren't yelling at eachother or slinging insults.

"Alright." He said stepping back into the door frame. "Good night?"

"Yea... " I said grabbing my door. "Um... are you okay?"

"Yea I am." He smiled. "I'm feeling pretty good now."

"Okay... Good night."

"Good night Rachael.


For the next two weeks, school went on. Kristen and Jenine spen the whole week talking about the band boys. Kristen seemed thrilled about one of the twins. Dave I think. And Jenine was pretty much swooning after Neil.

They went on chatting, and even attempted to chat with them during lunch which eventually dragged me in too. I had to sit with Robin and Alex while my friends sat with Neil and Dave. It was an okay week. Alex would eat quickly and leave but Robin was a bit more social.

I thought everything was great. Everything was normal. I was happy for the first time since I was a small child.

Until reality came back.

And once again, I was back in my old life.



My face stung. Hard. I got home from school today. It was Friday, when I appraoched my doorsteps. I was ready to go in, and take a looong nap, instead, there was my mom. Her hair was messy, like she hadn't taken care of it for days on end. Her eyes shallow and dark. She looked haggard but mostly she looked dangerous. I knew she was coming back from the bar because my face stung bad, I could taste the blood seeping though my tongue.

"Who told you to get out of the house?? Who told you to leave me!" She screamed.

Petrified I couldn't run, I couldn't speak. I stared at her hard feeling tears already brimming on the edge of my eyes.

"You thought I was serious???" She shrieked as she reached out grabbing my hair tightly in her grip. "Huh? Huh? I'm your god damn mother! Answer me Rachael!!!"

I winced, my hair felt like they were being torn from my scalp. My heart throbbing, racing and thumping like it's explode. She yanked me to the ground. I fell face fowards using my hands to keep myself from hitting my head.

"Gina!! Dad!! Help!!!" But it was three now. No one would be home till another thirty minutes.

"Shut up! Shut UP!!!" She shrieked grabbing my by the hair, she yanked my head high making me groan as she smacked me hard again. "You're coming home with me! And you're not coming back here or to that misfit school!"

"No!!! Let go!" I shrieked in fear, "LET GO!!"

"You'll stay home with me! I'm never letting you go again!" She screamed, crying now, but she was horrible. Horrible. Her face distorted and filled with craziness. I tried to pull away until she punched me hard in the stomach. I coughed. Hard.

"What did you say??" She grabbed me hard by the shoulder, squeezing tightly, her nails digging though my sleeves. "You hate me? You don't wan't me? Your own mother??"

She shoved me down again, this time I hit my head against the grass as she quickly got on her knees scratching and beating me against the ground.

"Tell me you're sorry! Tell me you're sorry!" She shrieked, she was on the edge now. I Felt pain erupting everywhere as I screamed.

"Sorry! Sorry!! SORRY!!!" I shrieked.

"Tell me like you mean it!"

"Stop!!!" I shrieked. but she back handed me, blood oozing from the side of my lips.

She raised her arm, ready to throw another hard blow when she was yanked off of me hard and into the grass beside me. She was crazed as she struggled to get up. When she looked up her eyes narrowed feircely before she stood up and ran.

I turned over on my stomach and curled up against my knees groaning in pain.

"What... what... Oh my god, Rachael what was that?"

I got on all fours, coughing up more blood into the grass. My tears falling with them. I whimpered.

Beside me he bent down, his hands resting softly on my back, he patted me gently. "Rachael.... was that your mom?"

I shook my head. Ashamed to answer at all.

"Should I call the police?"

I shook my head again. Silence. Alex came over and hugged me tightly, pulling me against him. "I should've came earlier when you dad called." He said softly. "Gina went to the hospital, he told me to watch you. I didn't know why but now..."

He knew. My dad somehow knew my mom wasn't herself anymore and now, he dragged Alex into this. Tired, ashamed, humiliated, and most of all miserable. I cried. Tears streaming from eyes, I cried hard screaming, gripping his shirt tightly into my hands.

Alex didn't say anything. He held me knowing that's all I really needed.