Sequel: Finding Me
Status: Continuing to write daily.... or trying. :)

You Left Me To Wonder


What can I say? When I met you I thought we could be the best of friends. And then because of me wanting to be friends with you, I almost destroyed another friendship.

Not to mention that you are a slut. A whore. And of course the one time you dated a guy for a month straight it was a guy I liked. And he managed to fall in love with your twisted, sick heart. Of course, you demolished his with a bulldozer, jerk.

But what Victoria wants, Victoria gets, no matter who she has to tear down to get to it.

I guess we had this mutual friendship type thing. I was friends with your "friends", though I'm not sure anyone really liked you. We had a couple inside jokes, but you can't really build a friendship on that.

I hope someday, some girl stands up to you, and tells you to back off and wait your turn. To stay away from their boyfriend. To just stay the hell away, period.

I don't wish bad things on you, but I want someone to see you for who you really are.

A evil, deceiving, lying, back-stabbing, good-for-nothing, bitch.

Go get a life,