Sequel: Finding Me
Status: Continuing to write daily.... or trying. :)

You Left Me To Wonder


I know sometimes I tell you that I hate you, and that I can't wait to leave for college so that I can get away from you, but that isn't true.

You are the best little brother a girl could ask for. Sometimes you really do drive me nuts, but other times I'm so happy to have you around. I've never thought of you this way, but you are like a best friend to me. You're older now too, you have a girlfriend(I couldn't believe it!), and you understand more.

But don't let other people poison your heart, your mind, and your faith. Just because your friends are doing something, doesn't make it cool.

And if you ever lose your way, and don't know what to do, remember that I'm always here. I know it doesn't seem like I want to listen sometimes, but if you really need help, I'll be there for you.

Back in the good old days, when we used to play with Jack and Drew Becker, you and Jack would always get into fights, and Drew would start yelling at you. Or something like that, and suddenly I had to pick a side. I had to pick between Drew, the cool, older boy, or you, my annoying little brother.

I want you to know that I always picked you. I always defended you. Protected you from Drew.

Baby brother, remember that you are still young, and hang on to that innocence for as long as you can. Laugh as much as possible, be crazy as often as you can.

Live your life the way YOU would want to, not the way someone tells you to, or the way some pothead rapper is. You are an incredible person.

I love you little man.

Forever your "Big Sister",