Sequel: Finding Me
Status: Continuing to write daily.... or trying. :)

You Left Me To Wonder


I'm not really sure how to put into words how I feel towards you.

When I found out that you liked me, I hated you. But before that, in sixth grade, we got in trouble all the time for talking and laughing in class.

Then we hit Junior High, and Dominic told me you liked me. I couldn't even look at you. I guess you were still the dorky little nerd I sat next to for a quarter(remember when we still had quarters?), and I wanted nothing to do with you.

A year passed, and then, what do you know, you were in my homeroom. And my seat was next to your's, again. This time, I ignored the little voices whispering that I shouldn't egg you on, and actually tried talking to you. And you gave me a piece of my own medicine. Gave me the cold shoulder.

I guess my obsession with trying to be friends with you wasn't such a bright idea, because I found myself starting to like you.

I don't think I ever loved you. You swear too much still for that to happen. You ignored me too much, like I did to you. You had too many mood swings, that gave my heart whiplash.

What I didn't know is that you would turn out sort of cute. But, like so many others, I doubt we will cross paths again.

You have a great sense of humor, and kept me alive and awake during lame classes.

I'm sorry I didn't get to know you better. I'm sorry that I took Pete's side more often than yours.

Except for once. When you were talking to him about food, and how grass fed cows have better meat than regular cows, which I have no idea how that topic came up. I agreed with you. And told Pete the same thing.

I'm sorry that I didn't get more time with you.

You took a little piece of me,