Sequel: Finding Me
Status: Continuing to write daily.... or trying. :)

You Left Me To Wonder


I'm scared for you. I know you are getting older. And I'm scared for the day that you finally leave this planet, move on to live with God. As I write this, my eyes well up with tears, and I can feel my throat close up.

I love you so much. So much that it hurts to write this. Now, I can barely see the paper, my vision is blurred with tears.

I remember the days where you came to my house, and I would run at you full speed, and you would scoop me up and hug me tight. I'm too big now for you to do that, I'm almost as big as you.

I'm so much like you. Most people assume I get my blue eyes from my dad, but I can see I got them from you. Their a different shade than my father's, a little less pale. You gave me them, the eyes with little pieces of sky inside, as someone once told me.

My mom tells me, to this day, about how when I was a new born baby, I cried for six weeks straight. The only time I slowed was when you came over, and walked me around, singing in that deep, German voice of yours.

I can even call up your smell. There's something about it, that's so good. It's not a cologne. To me, whenever I smell it, it reminds me of safety. Because with you, I always feel safe.

I hope that someday, when I get older, you can meet the man that I will marry. I hope you can be there for that day. But I just don't know.

I know your time will come when it comes. God will take you to be with him when the time is right, but I don't want him to take you. I want you to stay with me.

You made it out of Nazi Germany for a reason, and that was so you could be the father to my mom, and be my grandpa. You are the best grandpa ever.

I look forward to the days you come over, and I miss you on the days that you don't.

You will always be a part of me. Your blood flows through my veins, and I am proud to say that such a brave man is my grandfather, my Opa.

I love you, all the way to my core. I will always be your oldest grandchild. I will always be exactly 60 years younger than you. I know that I'm special because I was born so close to you birthday.

I'll love you until the end of time.

With love,
♠ ♠ ♠
When I said I cried while writing this, it was true. I cried writing a letter to my Opa that he will never see.