Sequel: Finding Me
Status: Continuing to write daily.... or trying. :)

You Left Me To Wonder


I miss you. I remember the days when you would invite me over to your house, and show me your collection of LEGO Star Wars models. And I would sit on your bed and watch you, or sometimes I would try and help you. And you would talk to me, whether about your latest finds on eBay, crazy things your older brother did, and other things.

I remember when I found out you had diabetes. I remember how you picked me to walk you to the office everyday, after lunch recess. I didn't really understand at the time, but I do now.

I still remember your laugh, and your goofy smile, with the tiny gap between your teeth.

You were one of my best friends, back in that neighborhood. With you, I was always just Bea. I didn't have to be girlier than usual. I didn't have to like certain things.

I liked you, I really did.

And I hope you stayed the same, mostly. But, I know that people change.

In my heart, until, or if, I meet you again, you will always be that dorky boy who lived down the street, who built LEGO models, and collected Mighty Beans.

With love and memories,
♠ ♠ ♠
Two stars people! Many thanks to readers. I think I will wind up wrapping this collection up soon, because I am running out of people. But, one of my last letters will be dedicated to you, all my faithful readers.