Sequel: Finding Me
Status: Continuing to write daily.... or trying. :)

You Left Me To Wonder


I really liked you back in sixth grade. My friends always asked me why I would like someone like you. I was pretty and deserved someone better than you. Turns out, loving you was the biggest mistake of my life.

Loving you made me hate one of my best friend for weeks on end. The second I heard you started dating Grace, I died a little inside. I know love in sixth grade is different than the kind of love you feel later on, but I definitely loved you. I talked to Elinor for hours on end about you, and cried myself to sleep way too many times. You weren't worthy of my tears

I think you might love me too now, but you just don't want to tell me. But, even if you did love me, it's too late. And I beat myself up for that. But the heart wants what it wants, and right now, mine doesn't want you anymore.

My friends think you're cute now, but they're about 3 years too late, just like you. I'm sorry, but you should learn that people, especially girls like me, can't wait around forever.

I remember when you found out I was dating Mitch. You tried to find out bad things about him, and tried to make me not like him. And I used your jealous rage against you, and tormented you. I probably only did it to get back at you, but I like thinking that you want me now.

Well, you can't have everything you want. You snooze, you lose.

We could have been great.

You drove me crazy,