Sequel: Finding Me
Status: Continuing to write daily.... or trying. :)

You Left Me To Wonder


We have shared so much with each other. So many laughs, so many hugs, so many stories, and so many tears. It seemed like our emotions were intertwined. I laughed for you, I was proud for you, and I cried for you.

To this day, I still glare at Dominic, because he broke your heart. And I haven't forgiven Grace for telling him, giving him permission to break your heart. Not that she cares. And I want to apologize for her, because she doesn't realize what she did.

We became inseparable. My mom didn't really approve of our friendship, but that's because of your parents. Now, I think she understand how, to me, you're like sunshine. I need you. You're the one I spill my darkest secrets to, the ones that chew away at my heart. You give advice when I'm stuck in twisted situations. You stuck up for me, even when you didn't have to.

You are another anam cara. You just came along later in life.

I still laugh when I remember the first time I saw you. You had on overalls, and your hair was completely crazy. To be honest, I thought you were crazy. But, I guess, two crazies make a normal. People can't believe I still talk to you after you moved. It's been, what, two years? I barely notice. We talk so often.

If you were a guy, I would totally marry you. To bad you're not. I love talking to you about my problems, because you always seem to find an answer. Someday, when we're old ladies in wheelchairs at the nursing home, we'll be causing trouble, having wheelchair races and stealing people dentures.

High school will test our relationship, and we'll have to fit each other into our schedules, but I will always make room for you, as long as you do the same for me. You are like a guardian angel the God sent down to help me, and I will always be grateful for having you in my life.

I love you, girly, and don't ever change your ways. On bad days, you make my life worth living, and on good days, you make it just that much brighter.
