Sequel: Finding Me
Status: Continuing to write daily.... or trying. :)

You Left Me To Wonder


Mitch, it was great while it lasted. You were perfect in every single way. My parents liked you, you hugged me for no reason, my brother thought you were cool.

But, I never really loved you. I loved the idea of you. The perfection, always knowing exactly what to say. You never hurt my feelings, never ever. But, I guess you weren't perfect for me. I need a guy who has a few rough edges. A guy who needs me to help him.

You didn't need me. You had everything. Your biceps, strong and protective when you hugged me. Your eyes, the color of melted chocolate, oh so hypnotic. You never pushed me beyond my comfort zone. But, I think that might be where our problems started.

We never fought. Ever. You never told me something I didn't want to hear, you never tried to get me to do something I didn't want to. You are the definition of a perfect boyfriend. But, with you, I never learned a lesson.

And with every person you meet, I think you need to learn a lesson. All I learned from you was that I would never be as perfect as you.

I need someone who has problems like me. Maybe you do have problems, and just don't let them show. So, as I'm writing this, lying on my lawn, where we spent so many hours together, I realize that I didn't really know you.

Someday, maybe, we'll meet again, and you'll be more open. You'll share your life with me, and something might come of it. Maybe not.

I'm sorry it didn't work between us. My friends think I'm an idiot for breaking up with you. But afterwards, you sat down in your regular spot next to me in study hall, I knew everything would be alright, and that you felt the same way I did.

I don't love you, and you don't love me. But underneath, there is a mutual respect.

I know eventually we'll grow apart, but I will look back on our time together as a gift and a blessing. You are a wonderful guy. Someday you will make an amazing husband and father.

I will always remember you.

Yours for a little while,
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the Mitch I mentioned in my letter to Michael.