Sequel: Finding Me
Status: Continuing to write daily.... or trying. :)

You Left Me To Wonder

Guy From Six Flags

I feel the need to include you, because with you I felt this connection. I didn't talk to you, and I only saw you for a few minutes while I waited in line to go on Velocity.

The way you stared at me though I think you felt it too. Danielle and Michelle even noticed. Maybe next time you see a girl you like, you shouldn't make it so obvious. Or maybe you should actually talk to her.

You were a shooting star in the sky, a brilliant flash, but there for only a moment. I don't even know your name.

Only for a second,
♠ ♠ ♠
I saw this guy at six flags and he stared at me for like a minute straight until these slutty girls walked up to him, blocking his view. Don't you just hate whores?