Sequel: Finding Me
Status: Continuing to write daily.... or trying. :)

You Left Me To Wonder


Peter, my life would be so different if I hadn't met you.

I don't really know what to call our relationship. I knew you were cute, but I didn't like you like that. You teased me and I teased you back. We sort of just flirted for fun.

You are hilarious, and my friend Elizabeth likes you. You should go out with her. She would love that. Then again, who wouldn't want to out with you? Besides me, of course.

I reminisce back to our dorky seventh grade days, when you came to school in the morning with lines in your hair from where your headgear rested while you slept. And the days of your glasses.

Peter, what we had was just a friendship for once. Nothing else.

In my mind, that is the greatest gift a boy has ever given me. Just wanting to be my friend.

Together, we were unstoppable when it came to jokes and pulling pranks.

I will miss you, and all of your quirky little habits. Because I know, there is not a chance we will see each other again.
