
I, a major goofball in the 9th grade. I love to sing and do anything that will help me get into college.

I remember the day I had walked into her house without a second thought. I remember the screams, the terror in the house and the akwardness of me being there.

I still remember what I had stumbled upon and am still scared to this day. I am now a 11th grader. But back when she died I was a 9th grader about ready to start my summer classes and maybe graduate in my 11th year.

"Hello?" I asked nervously.

Someone screamed and I got more nervous. I ran up the stairs 2 at a time. I ran to my best friends room and saw a site I never wanted to see.

My best friend dead with a man standing above her almost floating. With a knife in his hand. Blood was everywhere. I tried to scream. I really did but nothing came out. I almost fainted. I just stood there my body not listening to my brain at all. I couldn't think. I couldn't breath.

"Hello. Thought you would be here soon." I heard the man say and I caught his eyes. Full of hatred and deadness. That is what I saw. And then he dissapeared just like that.

I finally bolted from the doorway and into the kitchen. The lines dead... their cell phones dead.

I finally tried mine and got a weak signal.

"Help. help me." I whispered and those were the last words I had spoken in 2 years.