Deserved to be Alive


And away he went, walking onto the plane so nonchalantly, barely lifting a finger to wave good-bye. Adele sighed, using every ounce of strength within her to not shed a tear. She walked out of the airport with her sunglasses hiding her teary eyes. Not only was Evgeni returning to Russia, alone, but it officially marked the anniversary of Hanna's death.

Once on the airplane, Evgeni realized how stupid he was for more than one reason. He knew exactly what day it was yet he still left Adele behind. However, he had secretly been keeping in touch with Oksana for the past few weeks. As much as he loved Adele, Oksana was better in his mind. She was not sensitive and broken the was Adele was. She was a much more sexual being who thrived off pleasing her man.

Evgeni missed her sultry Russian voice. As much as Evgeni loved Adele, and no matter how many times he told her he did, it just wasn't enough. Adele, on the other hand, was not stupid, she was aware that Evgeni had been secretly speaking to his Russian ex-girlfriend. For a man who could come up with a spectacular hockey plan on a whim, he was awful at planning things when it came to people.

It had been two months since Evgeni left and Adele not only missed her Russian, but she needed him as well. Adele sat beside Lauren, her face buried in her hands. Lauren sighed, flipping over the small pieces of plastic before her. At the sound of Lo squealing with excitement, Adele wanted to cry. Children were never in the near future for Adele. She still had her whole life ahead of her, and after what she had gone through with Hanna, she was not sure she would want children at all.

“You know,” Lo said, placing her hand gently on her protruding stomach, “Our kids could end up dating and like be the cutest couple in the world!”

Adele sighed, “I don't think he's ready though. I don't think I'M ready.”

“Listen, Del, no one is READY to have kids. But once your child is born and in your arms, everything just comes naturally.” Lo said, checking her new watch, “Hey, I”ve got to head out. I promised Jordan I would be home before it seven.”


Adele stood up and walked her pregnant friend to the door, giving her a quick hug good-bye. She made her way into her office and checked her e-mail. She sent Andrew, Carol, and the boys a quick message letting them know of her current condition. Looking back in her inbox, Adele noticed one unread message, from Evgeni. She opened it, frowning slightly. The problem with technology and communicating with Evgeni through it was that Adele did not get to hear his adorable accent. He had perfect spelling grammar thanks to spell check.

Dear Adele,

I miss you like crazy baby. My parents say hello and hope you are doing well. I should probably be home in about three weeks. I can't wait to see you. How are Jordan and Lo doing with the baby? I love you so much and can't wait to see your beautiful face again. I bought you a gift, I hope you like it. It should be at the apartment soon. I sent it yesterday. Tell everyone I said hello and make sure Max is behaving himself ;)


Adele was not sure how to respond. She spent hours staring at the screen before her, her fingers perched on top of the keys. There was nothing more she could say than those three words that would make or break their relationship. Those three words that made a man out of boy.

i am pregnant.

She hit send and closed her computer looking over at the clock. 10:09. It was early, even for Adele. However, she felt as if she had drained all her energy into sending that one e-mail so she shut her phone off and went to bed.

Half way around the world, Evgeni was not having as much fun as he had hoped. The first month and a half was great until Oksana became ill. She was throwing up every morning and had no energy whatsoever to enjoy her alone time with Evgeni. When he tried to escape Oksana and actually spend time with his family like he had told Adele he was doing, he felt guilty.

Evgeni was cheating on the love of his life that he had worked so hard to get back. He sat at his parent's kitchen table and opened up the Internet to check his e-mail. He hope for a new message from Adele, but at the same time he didn't. Every time he got an e-mail from her, full of love, it added to his guilty conscience.

He opened the new message, but before getting a chance to read it, his phone went off. He picked it up and answered.

“Привет?” He said.

The voice on the other end was recognizably Oksana. “Я беременна “
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asdf;ljqgrf3qplie ! I FINALLY UPDATED <3