Status: Completed! :D

Here We Go Again

Three Years & Nothing!

Two Years Later

Amanda's POV

Brody's three years old and now in kindergaten, I'm twenty and Eric's twenty-two, he works in his father's multi-trillion software engineering company although he does absolutely nothing than just show his face around and he gets paid for that. I heard someone come into the house and I turned and saw Eric behind me, "What are you doing home so early?" He looked at me with suspicious eyes "Are you hiding something from me," he looked around, "perharps someone?" I ignored that question, he knows very well that I don't have many friends because of him seeing that he dosen't want me to get a job, so I'm practically a housewife, not a desperate one though (A/N:get it?) "You haven't answered my question." You can say Eric hasn't dropped that attitude of his. "Do we always have to go through this everyday, you know very well I'm not with someone since I'm a prisoner in this bloody house."

I think all the anger I've been holding in for a long time was starting to explode out of me. He came closer to me "Did you just raise your voice at me?" I hated this life except the part with Brody, I looked at the time it was 1pm and I had to go and pick Brody up. "Eric, I have to pick Brody up, can you please let go of my hand." It took him two minutes before he let go of my hand and he went upstairs without saying a word. I got into one out of the thousand cars we had, it was a black SUV and I drove to Brody's school. "Hey sweetheart," he came running towards me and hugged me and I pecked him. "How was today?" "Fine, how was yours?" I laughed and took him into the car and put him in the child seat thingy and strapped him and drove home.

When we got home, I unstrapped Brody and he ran into the house while I watched him feeling happy. I got in and saw him and Eric wrestling as usual "Be careful, Brody." One of the maids came to me asking what I would like to eat but I wasn't hungry. My phone rang, it was an unknown number. "Hello?" "Amanda, it's been long since I heard your voice." Ok, I was confused and it was a guy, so I went outside to take the call "Who's this?" There was an awkward silence, "I'm hurt that you don't recognise my voice, it's Edward." My eyes widened, "Oh my gosh, Edward, It's been like what, two years?" He laughed "So how've you been, I hear you've got yourself a baby boy." I smiled, "Yeah, his name is Brody, he's three years old now." "Wow, he's a big boy, I would love to come and see you guys some time." I smiled at that, it's been long. "Sure, I'm sure Eric would be glad, by the way, how's Charlotte?" There was an awkward silence "She's ok, I guess." My face crumpled, "What do you mean 'you guess'?" He sighed, "You see, we're kind of having problems now, we're on and off most of the time." I made an 'O' sign with my mouth, "Oh, that's too bad, you guys looked great together, at a time I was jealous." He laughed and I heard the door open behind me and I turned to see Eric staring at me, "So, I'll talk to you later, I have to go." "Sure, bye." I ended the call.

Eric was looking at me as if he was waiting for me to say something to him "That was Edward and he wants to come by sometime." He folded his arms, "And what did you say?" "I said yes of course, it's been a long time." He came closer to me "And you made the decision all by yourself?" I stepped back "What has he ever done to you?" he laughed "Do I need to explain it to you?" I rolled my eyes, "Eric, he dosen't have feelings for me anymore besides I'm a married woman and I have a three year old son." "That dosen't change anything." Eric was starting to make me mad. "Eric, I really don't want to go through this again, so can you stop behaving stupid." I think i just made him mad because he grabbed my hand tightly "I have the right to choose who comes to this house and who dosen't." I tried to loosen his grip but it just made it worse, he gripped it tighter "Eric, you're hurting me." "What makes you think I care, the pain you're feeling cannot be compared to the pain you've given me." Brody came to meet us outside and Eric immediately let go of my hand "Daddy, I want ice-cream." Eric carried Brody "Sure buddy, hop into the car." "Which car are we taking?" "Anyone you choose." He seemed happy and ran of to where the cars were parked and started looking for which one to get into. Eric looked at me "This is not over." He ran to Brody and they began choosing cars. I went up to our room and laid on the bed thinking. Brody is the only reason I'm still with Eric. I began to close my eyes and suddenly went for a visit to dreamland.

My phone woke me up, I looked at the time it was 5.30pm and Amy was calling "Hello?" I answered, "Were you sleeping?" "Duh!" "Anyway, My Chemical Romance are in town, so I got us two tickets and I'm not taking no for an answer." I sighed, "If you weren't taking no for an answer, why did you bother calling to tell me." "So that you'd be ready when I get there and how's my Godson?" I rubbed my forehead, "He went out with his dad." "Aww, those two are inseperable, father and son." "Yeah, he's stealing my son away from me." She laughed "Yeah, better act quick and be ready by 7pm." The call ended and I went downstairs to grab an apple, don't get me wrong I love to eat but I just wasn't in the mood for eating. The boys came in and I looked at Brody with stains all over his shirt, "I expected you two to bring the ice-cream shop with you, since it took you hours to get back." Brody laughed, "Hold your horses mum, we went to watch a football match." My eyes grew wider, did he just tell me to hold my horses. "I see you've been spending too much time with your father." He looked up at Eric, "Yeah, he rocks." And Eric laughed. "Brody, why don't you go upstairs and tell Maria to give you a bath. "But Mum!" "No buts, young man, now go upstairs." Brody looked at Eric for help but he put his hands up "Don't look at me." He had no choice but to go up and bath. I laughed and sat on the island and watched tv, then Eric came up to me " was your day?" I looked at him like he was crazy and glanced at the clock behind him 6.56pm "Shit!" I got up quickly and ran up to the room and dressed up for the concert.

Eric came in "Where the hell are you going to?" I looked at him through the mirror, "A concert with Amy." He was leaning on the door post, "And when were you planning on telling me." I stopped applying my make-up and looked at Eric "I get that we are married and shit but that dosen't give you control over my life, I can go out when I feel like, so don't say bullcrap to me." I turned and continued applying my make-up. He looked like I punched him in the guts "Is that what you're saying, caring for you is now a bad thing?" I shrugged, "If that's caring in your own way, yeah, it's a bad thing." The door-bell rang, I stood up and went downstairs and saw Amy and hugged her "So where's Brody?" I looked at her, "Hello to you to, he's taking a bath." She went past me and went upstairs "Brody, your Godmother is here?" She sang, I looked up the stairs and saw Eric staring intently at me "What?" He didn't say anything, he just went back to the room "Amy, get your ass down here, you made me rush now you're the one wasting my time." She came downstairs. "Girl, hold your horses, I just went to say hi to Brody." "Now, I know where he got that from." She came up to me, "Who got what from who?" I waved my hand, "Never mind."

We got into the car and went for the concert. There was a very long line "Ugh, Amy I can't stand for too long." She smirked, "Follow me." I was confused but followed her nonetheless. She approached two buff dudes "Here." She handed them to VIP passes and we went in, "Wow." She smiled and shrugged, "I know, I'm awesome." I looked at her and laughed "No, I meant wow, I am actually going to see Gerrad Way today." She huffed and went her way while I followed her.

The concert was nice, I talked to Gerrad and the gang, it was really a nice conversation and we took pictures. "Thanks for today Amy, I'm going to cherish this pictures, I might even consider putting it in the family album." She laughed. "Yeah, I would like to see how Eric would take that." We laughed and said our goodbyes. I crept into the house not so I wouldn't be caught but I didn't want to wake Brody up and went into the room to see Eric sitting on the bed obviously waiting for me to come back "Why are you coming back now?" I rolled my eyes "The concert ended thirty minutes ago." He stood up, "You're a bad example to Brody."That caught me off guard "No, I'm not." He made his way towards the door but I heard him mutter "I shouldn't have gotten myself into this mess." under his breath and he went out of the room, I fell on the bed and cried myself to sleep. That hurt.
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OK. I kind of edited this in quite a rush. I was supposed to have it done by 8PM GMT but my cousin dragged me away to do something with her. So sorry.
Anywhoo, how was this chapter, should I continue? No? Yes?
Let me know.
Again, sorry for the late update.
I promose to keep to my word next time.
Later peeps.