Status: Completed! :D

Here We Go Again

My Christmas.


"He's threatening me." Tears were pouring out of her eyes and I was confused. I stood up and crouched in front of her and held her hands, "What do you mean?" She looked at me, "Edward said if I didn't divorce you and be with him, he would tear this family apart." Amy gasped "I knew it, that bastard was up to no good." I, on the other hand was speechless, I stood up and made my way downstairs ignoring the calls from Amanda, Edward was still on the dining table with my parents and my in-laws. "Who the f*ck do you think you are?" This caught everyone's attention and Amanda and Amy were already here.

Edward didn't say anything instead he looked at Amanda and I went over to him and grabbed him by his shirt, "Why the hell are you looking at her, you think you can come here and threaten my wife, are you f***king out of your mind?" Blake was already at my side, trying to stop me. I didn't want to hit Edward but I felt the ugre to rip him apart, I just didn't want Amanda to get mad at me. I let him go and stared deeply into his eyes, "Don't ever let me see you fifty feet from her." My mum already took Brody into the other room. Blake told Edward to get out while I went upstairs to cool my anger down. I can't believe I didn't hit him.


Eric went upstairs, I'm guessing to cool his anger off and I didn't know if I should go with him or not because right now I'm scared, I don't think I've ever seen him this angry and the fact he didn't hit Edward makes it worse. I was wondering if this thing with Edward was over. Amy came over to me, "I guess he won't be bothering you anymore." Blake came over to me "Aren't you supposed to be with Romeo?" "I think he needs some space, I mean considering the state he's in right now, he could kill me, I think I'll just stay here and wait till he cools down a bit."

Before I knew it, Blake pulled me upstairs and knocked on the door and left me standing in front of his door. When he didn't answer, I was about to turn around when he opened the door. "Um, are you feeling okay because if you're not, I can just go downstairs." He was still looking at me so I decided to turn around and head downstairs when he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside "Did I scare you?" Duh. "Um, no, I was just worried, that's all." He hugged me, "I'm really sorry, it's just I'm really a scary person when it comes to you." I pulled out of the hug and looked at him "Why are you apologizing, I'm not angry." He smiled "I scared myself back there, I never thought I could get this angry." We both laughed, we went downstairs and everyone looked at us and as expected Blake said something stupid "This has got to be the best way to celebrate Christmas." It was funny, nonetheless.

Brody came into the room holding a wii controller "Where's Edward?" Blake went to him "He went to see Charlie?" I was confused, so was everyone "Who's Charlie?" Amy asked. "Yeah Blake, who's Charlie?" Brody asked. Blake looked at all of us as if thinking of an answer to that, "Charlie, the guy who owns the chocolate factory." Could he get more stupid? Eric's mum came over to Eric "Is everything okay?" He nodded. "I'm sorry everyone, this has got to be the worst Christmas." Blake was about to say something, "Don't say anything Blake or else..." He put on a puppy dog face "I was just gonna say, it wasn't all that bad because we had the grinch over."

I knew he wasn't going to say something sensible. "Well, who wants to go and see the new moon convention." Amy just had to ruin the atmosphere. Blake jumped up "Oh my gosh, you mean Edward Cullen is in California?" This made Eric laugh so hard. "What's funny, I'm in love with Edward Cullen, the way he just sparkles under the sun and shit." I couldn't believe Blake could become more stupid. Amy cleared her throat "Thank you Blake for humoring us, so who's going for the convention?" Everyone went back to what they were doing. "Fine, I guess I'll just go by myself and if I see Taylor, I'll tell him you said hi." With that she left.

Everyone had already left and Brody was sleeping, I went over to Eric who was playing the guitar and singing, I think it was 1,2,3,4 by Plain White T's "That's really good, Eric." He smiled "You think?" I went over to him and sat on his lap and we started making out, we were interrupted when Eric's phone rang, he seemed angry which made me laugh. "What do you want, Blake?" His eyes grew wider "I'll be there in 5." He looked at me "The soccer game has started, can I go?" "Who plays a match on Christmas day?" "The players, can I go, please." I nodded and he kissed me, "I'll be right back and we can continue what we started," and he winked at me and left. I guess I spend Christmas by myself today, I looked at the clock it was 7pm.

My phone ran and it was Amy "Hello?" "Hey Mandy, you are missing, Taylor is looking hotter than ever and Edward too, Oh my gosh, I think he just looked at me." I laughed "I'm happy for you, just come back in one piece, okay?" "Alright!" I hung up. My phone rang and it was Edward, my heart skipped beats, I could not breathe, I debated on whether to answer or not. "Hello?" There was silence. "Hello?" "Why did you tell Eric?" He sounded pissed and deadly but I didn't answer, "Why won't you answer me?" "Edward, I don't know why you're doing this." There was that silence again. "Come over." "What! I'm not coming over by the way, I'm not at home, I'm at my parents." He laughed, "No, you're not." I was scared, "What do you mean?"

"Turn your back." I quickly turned and he was standing at my bedroom door." SHIT!
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Got you to look here..:D, but plz read on...
Please I would love to know how this is with comments. I just don't know, it's like I'm just writing, so please comments would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Anyways, how are you guys, huh. Good, I hope.
Well, I'm here if you need to talk...(that sounded.......yeah!)
How was your weekend.
Attended an Itunes Festival today, it was really good.
It was funny cuz I didn't know most of the songs, so I just had to go with the crowd and hoped they wouldn't call me up on stage because that wouldn't end well, I don't think so.
So, yeah enjoy your day.
Yeah, and please, please, I know this is like the billionth time I'm asking but just check out my Vesper's Goodbye story. It may be really good, you never know.
It's very different in my own perspective but plz let me know what you think.