Status: Completed! :D

Here We Go Again

Love & Death


"Why do you always cause problems for yourself, huh?" Amy was really angry at me this time, I shouldn't have told her. I looked at Blake, "Can you please stay with Brody while I go and talk to Eric." He nodded and went in to meet Brody. I got into my car and drove home hoping Eric was there. I am so stupid but then again I can't control my feelings. I don't want to love him but that's just how I feel. I reached home and the front door was open, I stepped in and my eyes grew wide, the room was a mess, most things in here were smashed and I still heard some things being thrown around upstairs meaning Eric was in a rage. I dropped my bags and ran upstairs before he did anything to himself, I stopped abruptly at the door when he caught my eye. He came towards me and I backed away but he still came towards me and I was scared. SHIT! "Eric, please let me explain." He laughed and stopped, "Explain what, how I've been living a lie my whole life, huh? Is that it?" When he was in front of me, I held my hands in front of my face for protection.

"Eric, I love you." I felt a sharp pain on my cheek, he slapped me. "Don't fuc*ing lie to me, you and I both know that you're just using me, you never loved me, hell, you never wanted to have my child." Tears poured down my face, "Why are you saying this?" He roughly held my shirt "Cuz you're a fuc*ing liar." Just then I saw Blake running upstairs and pushed Eric away from me "Get out of here, Amanda." I thought this side of Eric had gone, I quickly ran downstairs and drove off. I was so scared for me right now.


"Hey, calm down." I held Eric who was shaking. He suddenly broke down, "How could she do this to me? I fuc*ing love her." I sat him down on the bed and grabbed a chair and faced him. "She didn't say she didn't have feelings for you anymore." He looked up at me, at least he is calm for now. "She's always loved Edward, I can't beat that and the only reason she's still with me is because of Brody." Honestly, I didn't know what to say to that until he stood up, "Where are you going?" "To see her." I stood up, "Look, I don't want you to do anything you'll regret." He made his way towards the door "I won't." I've said it and I'll say it again 'This two people are the worst couple ever.'


I went in and Amy and Brody were watching Family Guy, I couldn't be bothered to say anything, she looked up at me and her eyes grew wide, "What the hell happened to your face?" "Is it that bad?" She nodded. "He hit you?" I nodded and she came over to me "Do you want me to put make up to cover that." I nodded, "It's that bad?" We went into the bathroom and brought out her make-up stuff, I looked at the mirror and mouthed 'Wow.'

The door opened and Eric was standing there looking at me, I couldn't read his eyes. He looked at Amy, "Can I talk to her, privately." She hesitated and looked at me, "If anything happens just scream, OK?" She left the bathroom and I was left with him. He came towards me and knelt down in front of me and touched my cheek, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me." I didn't reply and there was an awkward silence, "Do you still love me?"

This time I looked into his eyes. "Why would you even think about asking me that?" He looked at me intently, "Because you behave like you don't love me." I sighed "I love you." He was still looking at me. "Then answer this, do you love Edward?" I turned my face to the other direction and he pulled it back to face him "Do you?" I could see he was suffering inside, I hated myself so much. I nodded and he covered his hands with his face "Why, What did I ever do to make you feel this way?" I held his hands "You didn't do anything, it's me, not you." He looked at me, "Is there anything I can do to make you stop loving him." I sighed, I didn't know "I don't know." He cupped my face, "I love you so much to let you go and the day I lose you is the day I stop breathing forever."
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2 more chapters.
Thanks to those who subscribed and also the readers. Thank you.
We have two more chapters before we reach the end of the road..*sniff*

So yeah, enjoy!