Status: Completed! :D

Here We Go Again

World War III

Amanda's POV

I woke up and looked beside me and Eric wasn't beside me, I was too tired to care. Brody ran into my room dressed in football jersey, I think it was the Liverpool jersey he wore with his 'BRODSTER' written behind it, "I'm ready." I looked at the time it was 9.30pm, "Let me just have a quick shower and I'll be with you, ok?" "Ok." He ran downstairs while I got into the shower. Thirty minutes later I went downstairs and saw Eric and Brody in both football jerseys, confusion rn through my mind, "Um, Eric what's going on?" He looked at me like I just asked a stupid question "I'm going to play soccer with my son, anything wrong with that?" I thought about that for a second then it hit me, he's going because I'd be alone with Edward, so he was just using soccer as an excuse. "Okay, then." We got into one of the cars that I didn't recognise, must be new. I told him where we were going and he drove there while Brody played a Jonas Brothers song and sang along with Eric, if only this moment could last.

We finally got to the park and Brody ran to Edward giving him a hug, then Edward glanced at Eric "Hey Eric, how are you, I didn't know you were coming." Eric flashed a fake smile, "Well, I'm here." He came towards me and gave me a hug, I had to make it very short because I could see Eric tense. "So is it two against one?" Eric laughed "Nah, you and Brody play while I watch." I knew it, he wasn't going to play, he came here to spy on me, I decided not to say anything. My phone rang and it was Amy "Where are you? I just came from your house and you weren't there." "Oh, I'm at the park with the boys and Edward." It was quiet at the other end "Wait, Is Eric playing soccer?" "Nope." She laughed "Now, I get it, that is so typical of him, anyway I'll see you later in the day, have fun and give Brody a big kiss for me, I laughed "Will do." And the call ended.

After about thirty minutes, the match ended and Brody won Edward 4-2 and that was because, he allowed him win. Brody ran towards Eric and I "I won, I won, I told you I was gonna beat him." Edward laughed "Yeah, I'm worn out, you're good." I stood up "Who wants to eat?" "Me!" I laughed at Brody. We went to a restaurant nearby and Eric made sure he sat beside me "So Edward, how are you and Charlotte doing?" I glared at Eric "Oh, we broke up." He tensed, "Why?" "It didn't work out." Edward wasn't aware of what Eric was trying to do but I was. We all ate pizza in a comfortable silence till Eric decided he didn't like it. "So are you dating anyone now?" "Um, no." Eric looked at me an back at Edward, "Why?" Edward rose an eyebrow "I don't know, do you have someone in mind?" That was obviously joke, Eric looked at me and I glared at him, so I quickly changed subject "So, Edward are you permanently staying here in Los Angeles?" "Yeah, New York is too tiring." We both laughed. "You know we never got to act out our Romeo and Juliet part back in high school." I nodded and laughed, "Yeah, I know and I almost failed that class." He laughed and then Eric cleared his throat and gave Edward a fake smile "High school was great which is what, four of five years back, so let's not think about that right now." I glared at Eric and he just ignored me. "So Edward, you mean you don't even like anyone right now?" Edward was confused "Why are you so interested in my love life?" Eric looked taken aback, "Why the f*** will I be interested in your love life?" I didn't like this one bit. "Then why do you keep asking me questions regarding my love life?" "Oh, so it's a bad thing to ask who you're dating now?" Now it was my turn to clear my throat "We should go, it was nice seeing you Edward, we should do this again." Eric stood up obviously angry and took Brody into the car, I gave Edward an apologetic look "Is he always like that?" I nodded. "I'm sorry, he shouldn't have come, I knew something like this was going to happen." He held my shoulder and looked into my eyes "I'm not angry, I mean I'm not surprised, this is Eric we're dealing with, I just thought he would have at least changed a bit." Then Eric blared the horn for a long time, "I guess I'll see you later or probably talk to you later." He smiled "Sure."

I walked to the car, when I got into the car, I tried to hold my anger and said in a low voice "What was that?" But he couldn't lower his voice "Don't f***ing act like you didn't know what he was doing, I bet you liked it." I couldn't hold it any longer, "Why do you always have to make a scene every where we go, can't you just act normal when we're outside?" He hit the wheel, "He was flirting with my wife right in front of me and you just expected me to smile and act all giddy about it, f**k no!" "He wasn't flirting with me Eric, you always think someone's flirting with me." "Of course, I saw the way you were looking at him which probably led him on." I shook my head, "You know you are unbelieveable, I knew this was going to happen that was why I wasn't even comfortable with the idea of you coming." He laughed, "Of course you weren't comfortable with the idea when you were planning on f***ing him." I was about to reply to that then I heard a sniff and I turned quickly and saw Brody crying silently, I forgot he was in the car. "Oh my gosh, Brody I'm sorry." I went to the back of the car to console him, I looked at Eric "Happy?" Eric looked at Brody and sighed, "Hey big guy, it was just a little misunderstanding, it's nothing big." He was still sobbing, "Why do you guys always fight?" I looked at Eric and told him to drive while I tried to console Brody.

When we finally got home Brody was sleeping probably from all the crying,I took him up to his room and went back to Eric "I can't continue like this, you promised but I guess you couldn't keep it." He didn't say anything. "Eric, I want a divorce and I'm serious this time."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooooh. Late update, I know, I suck and I'm sorry. I was watching the World Cup and Portugal is out. So I had to let that out and the people around me suffered the most, which was mainly my family members.
I think I should take it out on you guys, why should I leave you out of it.
HOW THE HELL CAN THAT HAPPEN, OBVIOUSLY THE REFREE WAS OBVIOUSLY DUMB*pushes somoene* AND BLIND WHEN HE GAVE US A RED CARD, NO ONE TOUCHED THAT DUDE*slaps someone*, TO THINK I WORE THE JERSEY AND GAVE PPL A HARD TIME*kicks someone's butt* OH AND PARIS HILTON*shoves someone to the curb and almost got hit by a van*, SHE JUST HAD TO TAKE THE BALL..... hold up, hold up. What the hell am I saying???

Ok, back to the story. How was it, is Eric a douche, should he have another chance???

Chapter Title Credit- Jonas Brothers

B.T.W. Watched Get Him To The Greek...H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. You should totally watch it, if you haven't. Yeah and I met Nick Jonas last night. Great guy.
P.S. He's even hotter in person which gave me quite a shock.

If I decide to start acting or do sth, I know you guys would support me (hopefully). Oh, I could be the next James Bond (let's not get to carried away...) or join AllTimeLow (thst's it, you're coming with me.)

Later Dudes or shall I say Dudeettes. Gosh, I'm going now. Wow, London's hot!