Status: Completed! :D

Here We Go Again


Eric's POV

"Eric, I want a divorce and I'm serious this time." When I heard those words, my heart stopped beating, literally stopped beating and blackness took over me.


I opened my eyes, I knew I was in the hospital and my parents and Amanda's parents were around me but there was no sign of her, "Where's Amanda?" My mum came to my side, "She's ok, you need to rest." I tried to sit up but my mum didn't let me, "You need to relax, Eric." I forced myself to sit up, "I need her here now, mom." My mum looked at my dad and went out of the room.

Amanda came into the room and I told the others to excuse us, when we were the only two remaining, she wasn't looking at me and asked, "How are you feeling?" She mumbled. I held her hand, "Please, don't do this to me, I know I blew my chance but I can't control my feelings when it comes to you and you know that." She turned her face away from me and I held her chin and turned it towards me, "I'm not going to lose you, I can't lose you, please understand." She looked down, "Say something." She looked at me and I could see tears forming in her eyes, I almost lost it "I don't know Eric, sometimes it's just too much that I can't take it anymore." "I'm so sorry Amanda." She looked away "Sorry isn't going to change things Eric." I didn't want to think it "W-what are you saying baby?" She started crying "I don't know what to do anymore." "I love you, Amanda, I really do, don't do this."

I didn't realize I was also crying. "It's the only way Eric." She looked at me and left the room leaving me there in the dark world of mine. Before I knew it, my hands were on my I.V trying to get it out of me and my EKG started beeping and doctors rushed into the room trying to revive me and I didn't make an effort to be alive but luck wasn't on my side.

Amanda's POV

I saw doctors rushing towards Eric's room and I followed wondering what was going on because I just left his room not long ago. I followed them to the room and my eyes widened at the sight, I thought he was going to die and I tried going in but some nurses held me back saying he was going to be okay. My world was going upside down, I didn't know what was going on, my family's tearing apart, most of all what about Brody?

Two hours later the doctors told me to let him rest so I could go home, it was 11pm and my mum was with Brody. I got home and saw my mum talking with Brody then she looked up at me with worry written all over her face, "How's he?" I gave her a weak smile, "He's fine." Brody ran to me "Where's daddy?" I felt like crying, "Daddy's going to be home soon, he just has to take care of something, ok?" He nodded. Why was this happening to me? I couldn't sleep, I didn't want a divorce but that's what's best. Eric was going to arrive in the morning according to the hospital. I glanced at the my watch 4am and I still wasn't asleep. I just lay down till Brody woke up. If I didn't get into this stupid marriage, I wouldn't be in this mess. I'm twenty for crying out loud, I can't be going through this.

"Mum," I sat up and saw Brody at the doorway and I signaled for him to join me. "Did you sleep well honey?" He nodded but he didn't look happy, "What's wrong?" "Are you and daddy ok?" I hugged him tightly "Yeah, we are it's just what grown ups do, ok?" I had no other explanation in mind. He nodded and I could hear the door open and Brody leapt out of my arms "Daddy's here!" I didn't want Brody to get in the middle of this. I slowly went down the stairs and Eric looked up at me "Hey!" I gave him a weak smile. Amy came in and looked at us, "I came to check up on you guys." Eric smiled at her, "Could you please stay with Brody while I talk with Amanda." "Sure," she said giving me a worried look.

We went into the study and I sat down "Baby?" I looked up at him "Please don't do this." I folded my arms, "Do what Eric, you think I want to get divorced, that's the only way out." He held my hand and I pulled them away "Eric, I think we should just stay away for like two months or so." He ran his hand through his hair, "Why are you doing this, you know I can't do this without you." I ignored him, "Brody can be here weekends, Eric I'm not asking for a divorce just some time away so I can figure this out." He stepped closer to me,"You really are doing this?" I stood up, "I'll be staying at my parents that way you can see Brody when you like." He looked at me "I desperately need you here with me, please." I sighed, "Eric, you're making this harder than it already is."

I walked out of the room to Brody who was playing games with Amy, I didn't know how to tell him this "Hey Brody." They both turned to look at me, "We'll be staying at grandma and grandpa's house for a bit, okay?" Amy looked shocked "Is dad coming?" He was smart for his age, I guess he already knew what was going on. "No, daddy's got a few things he needs to take care of, but he'll be coming to see you, okay?" He looked behind me and I turned to his direction and saw Eric, "Daddy, where are you going?" I could tell Eric was trying his possible best not to break down, "Hey big guy," he held Brody "I just need to do some stuff but I'll be seeing you." "Are you leaving mum?" He looked at me and smiled at Brody "No, of course not, remember we're the three musketeers, we'll always stick together." Brody laughed at that and Eric dropped him and came to me "I love you and always will and I'll be here when you come back." He kissed me and hugged me.

We got in the car and Brody told his dad bye and I drove off. I just hoped Eric would be okay. I reached my parents' and when my mum saw me with my things and Brody, she knew what happened, she hugged me and I hugged her and cried. "It's going to be okay, come in." I went in and dropped my things while Brody ran to my dad. My mum and I went into a room and I told her everything that happened, "I don't want to leave him but I'm doing this for Brody's sake." She hugged me and looked at me "I'm sorry for putting you through this." "It's okay mum, I actually love him." I looked around and realized I was in my room, it made me feel like I was sixteen again which made me smile. "Feels like old times, dosen't it?" I nodded, "Yeah." She smiled, "Let me leave you to your thoughts, do you want anything to eat?" "No, I'm good." I admired my room, the posters of Adam Brody, Jonas Brothers, My Chemical Romance, oh, I do miss old times."

I went downstairs and Brody was playing with my dad, he was really having fun. I texted Amy to come over. Ten minutes later, she came in, "Hey?" with a worried expression on her face "I'm okay, don't worry about me." She relaxed a bit. "So what are we going to do today?" I laughed because she said it in that Pheneas and Ferb way. "I don't know, I was thinking of going to see Edward and apologize." She looked at me with a serious face "I don't think that's a good idea, Amanda, I mean if Eric found that he'd go crazy." I stared at her, "I'm just going to apologize, Amy what else could go wrong?" She crossed her arms "I know that you still have feelings for Edward and don't even tell me you don't because you do." I laughed "I like him as a friend and you can come with me and see for yourself." "Of course, I'm coming with you but I still think it's a bad idea."

I told my mum that we were going out, we got into my car and drove to Edward's house. When I reached the doorstep, I had to admit I was nervous, Amy noticed, scoffed and pressed the doorbell. When the door opened I almost passed out, a shirtless Edward opened the door "I didn't know you were coming over, come in." He moved aside and we entered the living room. "I should probably put on a shirt, I'll be right back." When he was out of sight, an angry Amy turned to me, "Are you serious, it was so obvious you were checking him out." I frowned, "Now, you just sound like Eric." Edward came back with a shirt on, but it didn't make much difference because the shirt was quite tight and I could see his muscles, I was still day dreaming when Amy nudged me, I blushed when I saw Edward's expression, "Oh, yeah I came to apologize about the other day." He smiled and I was lost "It's okay, you've already apologized enough, I'm not mad." Amy rose an eyebrow "Does Eric know you came here?" I looked at him "We kind of had a fight, so we're staying away from each other for a while." He looked sorry "Oh, I'm so sorry, it's my fault I sho-" I cut him off "No, it's not, you know how Eric is." Amy cleared her throat and glared at Edward "They're just staying away for a little while, they are not divorced." The way she said the divorced part made Edward flinch and I glared at her but she ignored me "I think we should start going, Amanda, it's getting late." I looked at the time "It's just 2." She left the house and went into the car. "Did I say anything?"

I turned my back and looked at her in the car "I don't know what's got into her?" He smiled "It's okay, she has her reasons." I turned to leave "Again, I apologize." "Please, stop apologizing." I smiled and hugged him and went into the car, I didn't look at her, I just looked straight ahead, "Care to explain?" She turned on the radio and I turned it off, "What has gotten into you?" She looked at me "Don't think I don't know what's going on, I told you this was a bad idea." "What are you talking about?" "Didn't you see the way he was looking at you, he's got something in mind and the fact he was smiling when you said you and Eric weren't on good terms, doesn't that seem strange to you, bet it doesn't." I looked at her in disbelief, "I swear, you're like Eric just in girl form." "I'm your best friend and I don't want to see you get hurt, you know he still has feelings for you and you've apologized to him before, so why did you come here to apologize again if you didn't have something else in mind." I shook my head "I can't go through this." I drove off. The drive back home was silent and awkward.

When I got home, I saw Eric with Brody "What are you doing here?" I could see Amy smiling, "I came to see Brody, I was missing him, is that a bad thing?" I sighed, "When I meant we needed to stay away from each other, I meant we won't visit each other except during weekends." Amy looked at me in disbelief and said, "and be faithful, because you guys aren't divorced, right?" She directed the question to Eric. "No, we're not divorced, what do you mean by be that?" He looked at me in confusion "I don't know what she's talking about?"

I don't know why but I was scared and nervous because all eyes were on me and I didn't do anything bad just went to see Edward when I knew it would make Eric mad, why is Amy doing this? Eric looked at me, "Where are you coming from?" I didn't say anything, he came close to me and held my chin up "Did you go to see Edward?" I didn't answer and he took that as a yes. I could see tears forming in his eyes "Why do you plan on making me suffer?" he whispered. He left the house and all eyes were still glued on me "I didn't do anything." I ran upstairs and fell on my bed and cried, why am I feeling guilty? I didn't do anything, I just went to see Edward because I felt bad for the other day but my mind was telling me I went to him for a different reason. I went to see if Brody was okay, he was playing games with my dad and I got a text from Eric.

"Maybe we should just end this and save me the heart-ache."
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Wow, this is a long-ass chapter.

Let's say this was a TV series....from the part when Amanda was talking to Eric in the study, if you listen to "What hurts the most by Rascal Flatts" at that part, I think it goes well...

So how was the story??? I'm getting less comments these days, did I do something wrong. If you guys aren't feeling the story anymore, it's okay to tell me.

Also because I'm always in a hurry with my chapters, if you are interested in helping me edit them, I'll be thrilled.

Have a nice day. /O\