Status: Completed! :D

Here We Go Again

Time of our Lives



"Mum, we have to get going now!" Brody was sitting on my bed whining while I was running around looking for the left foot of my boots, we were going Christmas shopping. After what seemed like ages, I found the shoe and we headed to the car while Eric said he had to go over to Blake's to do some 'guy stuff', I couldn't care less, it's just going to be me and my baby.

The mall was decorated in Christmas decorations and there was a Santa's grotto "Hey, Brody why don't you go and see Santa while I pick out some things." He looked up at me "Santa dosen't exist." I couldn't believe my ears, "What! Who told you that?" He smiled that smile that said 'If I tell, I'd get in trouble with you.' I folded my arms, "Brody, who told you?"

"Well, me and dad were watching cartoons and they said that there and I asked dad and he told me that since I was a big boy, he'd tell me the truth." Why would Eric even do that? "What cartoon were you guys watching?" He hesitated before saying anything, "Family Guy." I gasped, "Don't ever watch those again, they are not for children and Santa does exist, your dad was a naughty boy when he was your age and Santa didn't give him any gift but I got loads because I was a good girl." I hoped this was going to work. He smiled and left for the grotto and joined other kids. I dialled Eric's number "Honey?" "Don't honey me, you let Brody watch those stupid cartoons and now he dosen't believe in Santa, he's three for crying out loud." Eric laughed "He'll be four in a matter of weeks." "And, it's not like four is the beginning of teenage years, I just had to lie to him right now." "What did you tell him?" I chuckled, "That you were a naughty boy and Santa didn't get you anything that's why you don't like Santa." There was silence which made me smile in triumph, "That's lame." "Whatever." I hung up, then someone tapped my shoulder, I turned and saw Edward. My heart stopped. Literally.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, "I came shopping." Brody came running to me with his gift "That Santa smells weird." He looks up and sees Edward "Hi, Merry Chrismas." Edward ruffled his hair "How are you doing, Brodster." I was feeling very uneasy so I spoke up, "Well, it was nice meeting you, we have to go now." Edward held my hand, "Are you running away from me because if you are that's a bad move." Brody tugged on my sweater "Is dad at home cuz he promised we were going ice-skating." Edward glared at me, "You guys are still together?" I was scared of his next move but someone up there loved me to send Amy right that moment.

"Hey Brody." She came and hugged me and glared at Edward "What is he doing here?" Edward smiled "I'm sorry, I'll be leaving now." He left without saying anything and I knew that meant more trouble, I wanted to tell Amy but I didn't know if that was the right thing to do. "Are you okay, you seem to be out of it." I looked at her and smiled "Nothing, c'mon let's go shopping." We went into different shops and bought loads of gifts, I bought Brody's own gifts by myself while he stayed with Amy then I got a text from Edward.

"My house at six."

I put the phone back when I saw Amy and Brody heading my way "Who wants some ice-cream?" And obviously, Brody screamed and we went to get ice-cream, I saw a poster saying "The New Moon convention" was taking place at some place tomorrow evening. Why would someone waste Christmas going to see these people? Then again, you'd be surprised the amount of people that would be there. My thoughts were interrupted when Amy started talking to me "Remember Taylor Lautner?" I nodded not wanting to hear what else she had to say. "I hear him and Taylor Swift are dating." My eyes grew wider "Taylor Swift? Isn't she like almost three years older than him." She smiled "Well, this days, it's the younger boys that are in vogue." I looked at her "O.k.a.y then." She nudged me "Aren't you a bit jealous?" I stopped what I was doing "Why would I be jealous of her, it's not like Taylor and I were going to last."

I laughed and she looked at me "What's funny?" "No, it's just both their names are Taylor, so if they get married, it's going to be Taylor Weds Taylor and she'll be Mrs Taylor Lautner like her husband." I was laughing and when I noticed Amy wasn't laughing at my joke rather she was shaking her head, I stopped laughing and we headed to the car. I tried to forget Edward and everything. My phone rang and my heart skipped a beat and it was Eric "What?" "What do you mean 'what', are you angry at me or something?" I sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm just tired." "Oh, sorry can you stop at Blake's." "Why?" "He wants to see his godson." I hesitated, everytime I go to Blake's place, I always end up getting annoyed or uncomfortable because he either says something inappropriate or he's trying to annoy me. "Fine, we're on our way." "Where are we going?" "Uncle Blake's house." He was happy. I put on the radio and turned on the heater, it was freezing, they were playing 'Christmas don't be late' by Alvin & the chipmunks and Brody sang along and I later joined in hoping this moment would last.

We arrived at Blake's and Brody jumped out of the car and ran into the house. I got out and slowly made my way into the house not minding the fact that it was freezing. When I finally got in, Eric came over to me and pecked me "If it isn't the couple of the year." I glared at Blake while he was smirking at me, I will never understand this boy. "So Amanda, how have you been, you haven't quite changed, I thought you'd be fat by now." I rolled my eyes and glared at him "I though you'd have developed some brains." He laughed "Touche." He turned to Brody "So what did you do today?" "I went to see Santa." "Really, what did he give you." He showed Blake the box "It's in here but mum said not to open it till tomorrow."

He looked at me and whispered something into Brody's ear and he laughed "If I hear any bad word from his mouth, I will hunt you Blake and I'm dead serious." Blake laughed "Oooh, I'm scared." Eric came into the room "Baby, can I have my mum's number, apparently I don't have it." I laughed and gave him my phone.


I scrolled for my mum's number but I think I accidentally pressed the message button and I saw the text Edward sent her, I didn't know what to do, has she been cheating on me, I was angry, sad, confused, jealous, mad.

I went into the room and called Amanda who was arguing with Blake "Can I talk to you for a minute?" She stood up and followed me into the room "Is there a problem." I gave her the phone to read the message. After reading it, she looked at me "What's wrong?" I was surprised at her reaction "Are you seriously asking me that?" "If I go to see Edward, that dosen't mean I'm doing something behind your back and trust me, I would never cheat on you." I calmed down a little and I felt stupid "I'm sorry, I just don't like that guy." We went back into the room and Blake and Brody were playing games and Amanda just went and stood in front of the TV like she didn't know what she was doing, so that Blake could lose the game and he started arguing with her. I laughed.

They would have made the perfect couple.
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This story is getting...meh cuz I'm concentrating on the story I'm writing now so I apologize.
