Status: Completed! :D

Here We Go Again

The Christmas Crasher



Everyone was here, my parents, Eric's parents, Amy and Blake. And the Christmas tree was packed with presents which more than half of them belonged to Brody. It was time to open the gifts and I announced that I was going to hand it out to them myself. I ended up giving everyone their gifts and Brody ended up with like fifty gifts. I opened the gift from my parents and it was a family picture of when I was little and it was during Christmas, I almost cried, it was beautiful, then from Eric's parents, I got a ring which happened to be a family heirloom. I gasped, it was beautiful.

Amy also gave me a picture of the both of us when we were like six years old, I smiled at her while Blake gave me a signed T-shirt from My Chemical Romance which made me shout, Eric gave me a key necklace which meant 'key to my heart', I loved it and kissed him.

Finally, I got a surprise gift from Brody which was a Christmas card and a rose. I almost cried and I hugged him and gave him a big peck which made him say "Mum, stop," which made us all laugh. Everyone opened their gifts and were happy with what they got except Blake who got a ticket to Australia from me, he looked up at me. "What am I supposed to do with this?" I smiled, "It's a plane ticket to Australia and if you notice, there is no return ticket and no need to thank me. He laughed, "Very funny."

The doorbell rang and Amy ran to open it and when I turned my back to who it was, I almost passed out. Edward was standing there with a bag containing gifts. My parents and Eric's parents were looking at him. He smiled at them, then introduced himself, "I come bearing gifts." No one laughed except my parents and Eric's and also Brody.

I wasn't comfortable with him being here since I didn't go to his house yesterday. "Amanda, how come you didn't come over yesterday." Everyone turned to look at me. I knew this was going to be bad. "Was I supposed to come?" he laughed, "Sorry, I just thought that since you've been coming everyday after your divorce, you were going to come. My bad." Everyone was still looking at me. I stood up, "I'm going to set the table." I left for the kitchen. I can't believe Edward would stoop so low to do this in the middle of something like this.

My mum came into the kitchen and stood there looking at me probably waiting for me to say something to her but I didn't. "Would you care to explain what just happened?" "What do you mean?" "You told him you were divorced and you go to his house everyday, why are you doing this." I stopped what I was doing, "He's just lying, he does that every time and please let's drop this subject, it's Christmas mum." I walked out of the kitchen and called everyone into the dining room. When we were all seated, I prayed that Edward would just shut up and not say anything because I could already feel the anger building up in Eric.

"Edward, who told you that Eric and Amanda were divorced?" Why couldn't my mum just shut up. He smirked at me and turned to her, "She told me, is anything the matter?" She looked at me, "They aren't divorced, I have no idea why she would say something like that." He looked shock, "Oh, I'm sorry if I made anything awkward for anyone, I just thought that they were." "So when she came over to your house did you guys do anything inappropriate?" I gasped "Mum, I think that's enough and I didn't tell Edward here, anything."

Eric got up and left the table while I followed him. "Eric, I'm sorry and I didn't invite him over." He looked at me, "Just tell me the truth, I want the truth. What the hell is going on between the two of you, I'm on the verge of losing it." I didn't want to tell Eric because I was scared he would get into some kind of danger. "Are you keeping something from me?" I sat down on the bed and covered my face, "I don't care if you're crying, just tell me the truth, what the f**k is going on between two of you, I just knew that this was to good to be true, you act like you love me when the fact is that you love Edward." I stood up "That's not true, I don't love Edward, I love you and that's the truth." "Then what is going on between the two of you?" "Nothing." Eric was about to say something when Amy entered the room and looked at me "Mandy, what's going on, I know something is not right." Eric looked at me then sat on the bed.

I took in a deep breath, "He's threatening me."
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