Me, Myself and I

Me, Myself and I

The tiny crystal droplets plummeted to earth, shattering into a thousand diamond teardrops. I could hear the faded mummer of the conversation in the background. Cutting of the stream of noise, I focused intently on the thin rivulets of icy water snaking down the frosted car window.

My mind was flooded with thoughts, they crashed and collided with one another, floating at the top of my conscience before sinking back down. However, one remained, a surprisingly resilient little island in the middle of an ocean “… they said it would be the last time…” I grasped onto the sight of the steam rising from the heated road to save my self from drowning in my thoughts.

Through the edge of my vision I could see my mom’s worried face peering at me, searchingly. I ignored her, pressing my pale gaunt face against the window. I heard a soft sigh and sneaked a glance at the review mirror, managing to catch a glimpse of her, face vanishing from sight. I exhaled, breathing out warm air, fogging up the window. I watched as my fingers etched out a single lonely word, they seemed to belong to someone else as they moved across the glass. I was even a little bit surprised to see the word “DEATH,” which is as lonely as it looked on the window, fading silently back into the cold’s grasp. I watched the houses and trees flash by realising we were nearly home. “…she doesn’t have long…” The car came to a halt, tearing me away from my thoughts, we were home. My rain coat crackled as I made my way to the house, each step draining my strength as if I was a sponge being wrung out. Mom sent me straight to bed, I didn’t argue with her because I was so glad to be home away from the hospital. As I lay in bed that night I could hear the bubbling voice of my dad and the hushed sobbing of my mom.

When the time came for me to die, my mind was calm lake and I was ready to let go. As I sank into the darkness and death’s arms carried me away, I remembered that seemingly insignificant car ride and how lonely "DEATH" had looked on the window. Ulrimately in the end, surrounded by people, one still dies alone, as I died, just me, myself and I.