Anesthetic Kisses

Not Your Average Life

Hiding within the deeps of my closet was the only thing I could do to escape the world outside. The screaming and threats filled my ears as I sobbed quietly. I warped my arms around my knees and tried to ignore it all.

A four year old shouldn’t have to go through all this. I hear it every day and it seems as if it’ll never go away.

Mommy gets hit by daddy and then he comes to find me. Every bruise on my body has a story behind it. I try to say sorry as he hits me countless times, because I know it is my fault they always fight. If I wasn’t around they would have a perfect life. The scars on my body are from the many times my mother has tried to kill me.

Needless to say, my life is no different than someone who going through hell.

As I wipe my tears away I hear footsteps coming towards my door. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle the sounds of whimpering. He jiggles the knob; I locked when they were downstairs. He breaks it open and comes closer to the closet. He obviously doesn’t see me or know where I am. He needs his punching bag and I am no were in sight.

“Where are you, you pathetic piece of crap?!”

At this I have to bite my tongue in order to stay quiet and avoid a beating.

As I hear him come even closer, my heart starts beating too fast. I knew he found me and I was trapped. As he jerked the door open and saw me he put a hand up and-

The nightmare of my past kept reoccurring in my dreams...I needed help in order to get out.
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