The Black Veil Brides

good morning!

Andy logged off at 3:10 in the morning and groaned, he dreaded the beating he would get from his band-mate Sandra later that morning but it was inevitable, he flopped down onto his bed and right away sleep took him.

BANG! Andy ignored the loud crash of his door being roughly opened, and then he felt something pillow-like hit his head, he opened one eye to see Mackie aiming another pillow, and he shut his eye again and turned over, hopefully moving himself out of Mackie’s range. Then he felt a sharp pain to his gut, not enough to injure him but enough to let him know that Sandra was also on the “get-Andy-out-of-bed” crew.

Andy muttered some choice swear words as he sat up, “scram.” He muttered again and Sandra and Mackie disappeared, Andy stood up and looked at himself in the mirror his hair was a total mess, he walked into the bathroom and started running the bath water, he out his head under the water and started rinsing his hair, Mackie came to stand in the doorway and watch Andy, “that’s where all the gays want to see Andy Sixx, down on his knees.” Andy chucked the nearest object at him and he ran off laughing.

Andy stood up and walked into his room running a comb covered in some goopy hair product through his hair before drying it with a hair dryer, then he got dressed and headed downstairs where the rest of the band was already assembled, “waiting on your orders captain.” Andy rolled his eyes, “that’s great Sammy.” He walked into the kitchen, ignoring his band mates, and grabbed a box of cereal off a shelf over the fridge.
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I know the other members aren't who they have now, but it's fanfiction