Rollercoasters, Tears and My Ultimate Fears

The Anaconda

I was standing at the gates of the amusement park, before my unfolded the promise of excitement, thrills and adventure. It was my first time ever to brave the rides. It was a glorious day, perfect for an adventure. It is a day I will never forget, and it all started with one word; the Anaconda.

There I was, there IT was, the Anaconda. One single word that instils an engulfing, mind-numbing terror. It is the king among snakes. King among roller coasters. If the name does not drive you away then the sight of this monstrosity will. With a single glance you are momentarily transfixed by its warped, mangled body rising from the ground. A seemingly nightmarish apparition sprung from the depth of your darkest imaginings. The lucky ones flee, heeding the ever present warning signs. I do not.

I find myself standing at the jaws of the beast. I was entranced by the twisting, tangled tracks entwined around the earth and sky. It is too late. The warning of the vibrant orange and green failed to persuade me from my path. It is at my fingertips. In a daze I float to the front seat. My senses have left with my sanity. All that is left is the tremor inducing fear. “Click”. Now, now it all begins.

The tears start flowing gently, unnoticeably, as the suspense builds. All of a sudden, taking me by surprise, they are cascading down my cheeks. I call out in desperation, but no one answers my cries for help. There’s movement. We are climbing slowly, gradually up the mountain to heaven. My tears are greeted by an onslaught of curses. I have reached the top. Eyes shut, jaws clenched, holding on for dear life. I am flung into a world of insanity.

In my experience, riding a roller coaster is like, how I imagine, being a leaf caught in a storm. You have no control over where you go. You are tossed from side to side. Then the storm passes and the leaf drifts back to the ground. So I find myself, after a few moments of total chaos, dangling gently in the air. I am filled with a tingling sensation. Not of fear, but exhilaration? My heart is racing, blood pumping with adrenalin. This is the reason why, I found myself travelling the well worn path to face the beast, once again.
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Anaconda- A large rollercoaster ride.