Tough Love

Alenor's life has been an eventful one from the beginning. After a car crash that changes her life new people enter her life but what role will they play.

Jason a young police officer is over come by a case concerning a young girl. Some one seems to be after her but who and why. How will the protectiveness he feels for her manifest.

People at Sansfield Heath school are mystified by this girl whose always been an outsider but ends up the centre of attention. What is going on with her?
  1. Crashed Down
    Things are just begging to change...
  2. Alone
    Alenor wakes up in hospital but what news awaits her...
  3. Bruised
    Maiya comes to meet Alenor a young person who seems to awake a truly protective side in her brother but is she prepared...
  4. Safe House
    Alenor has been taken to the safe house in which she'll stay for the time being but what will happen there...
  5. First Meeting
    Alenor finally meets DCI Mannison , the man in charge of her case, and this will start a new series of events...
  6. In-Between
  7. Normality