New Step Brother, New Family, New Life? Thanks for Nothing, Dad

Chapter 32

McCartney's POV

Trent and I talked, settled our differences, broke up and begin great friends. Overall, it was a good day.

And to make it even better, Josie came to me. I didn't have to approach her. Apparently she did remember, so she confessed to me what Trent had already explained, and I told her I was fine with it. So here we are now, sitting in me and Smokey's bedroom, flipping through my issues of Alternative Press Magazine.

Alexandra had already gone home, father's orders. And we know better then to mess with the Mafia. Who would want that kind of danger on their heads?

"What would you do if I started dating Trent?" Josie said, laying upside-down and half-way off the bed with the latest issue in hand. Yep, she knew of this strange position too.

Anyway, the question surprised me, but only a little. "I wouldn't mind. I mean we're just friends now anyways," I replied, sitting in my bean bag chair on the ground with my back leaning against the bed.

Josie hugged me while still hanging upside-down. "You're the best, I hope you know that." I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Yeah sure, whatever."

"So where did Smokey go anyways?" Josie continued, changing the subject. I looked up over to Smokey's side of the room, half-expecting to see her there.

"I haven't seen her, actually," I replied, tilting my head in thought. A soft knock sounded from my doorway, and I turned to find my most recent ex/great friend standing there. Trent smiled and walked in, flopping down on the oversized, overstuffed pillow I had dragged over to my side of the room from Smokey's.

"I couldn't help but eavesdrop," Trent said with a smile, and half shrug. "Smokey went out with Ethan."

My jaw dropped in total disbelief, and I saw from the corner of my eye that Josie held the same expression. "No way!" I shouted, "Like on a date?"

Trent chuckled and shook his head. "No, not according to Ethan. He texted me, said they were hanging out as just friends."

Josie burst into a fit of laughter, sitting up so she wouldn't slide backwards off the bed. After finally calming herself, she replied, "Sure they are."


Smokey's POV

"So this is the famous pizza place of which you speak?" I asked Ethan, glancing around the pizza parlor. We sat in a booth in dim light in the nearly empty place.

Some say Lucia's Pizza was a 'hole-in-the-wall' type of place. On the outside, it looked run-down. But the inside was beautiful. Booths with burnt leather seats and wood tables lined the walls. Intricate floral designs were etched into the border of the wood. Filling the center of the room were identical tables and matching chairs. The walls and carpet were soft cream colors, complimenting the seats. The single-bulbed lamps had stained glass shades in multiple colors and designs.

"Well of course," Ethan replied with a smile. "My mom and I found this place a while back. They have the best pizza around."

"I hope so. I'm starving! And taco pizza happens to be my favorite of all the pizza flavors," I said with a smile, just as the waitress brought us our large pizza. His half was surpreme and my half, of course, was taco.

I reached for a slice and with one bite, I practically melted. "Oh... my gosh! This has got to be the best thing I've ever ate!" I exclaimed. It was the world's most perfect pizza.

"I knew you'd love it," Ethan commented, chuckling at me.

After dinner, for which Ethan kindly paid for, we walked down the street to a nearby park. It was getting late. But night time was always the best time for playground fun.

"Let's swing!" I shouted excitedly, grabbing Ethan's hand and practically dragging him as I sprinted to the empty swing set.

"Seriously?" Ethan asked, stopping when we reached the edge sand pit with the swings directly in its center. I slid through the sand and into a swing, moving my legs to gain momentum.

"What the big bad jock afraid to do a little swinging with a girl?" I asked, making a sarcastic pouty face. Ethan smirked and shook his head.

"Not at all," he replied, moping over and sitting in the swing beside me. Then, he added, "And I'm no jock. I'm too smart for them."

"Oh really? Then what are you?" I asked.

After a moment of thought, Ethan simply stated, "Normal." I had to burst out laughing.

"You? Normal?" I said, stifling my laughter. Ethan nodded and shrugged. "Ok. Fine. Do normal people have long distance swing jumping battles?"

Ethan put a finger to his lips, mock pondering the question. "Why yes," he finally concluded, "we do." I smirked and started swinging higher and higher. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed Ethan did the same.

"One....Two...Three!" I shouted, flying from the swing at its highest point of momentum. I landed awkwardly and off-balance, falling into Ethan who happened to have hit the ground beside me. We tumbled to the ground, rolling a bit before stopping with Ethan on top of me.

At first, I was shocked, surprised and a little uncomfortable. Ethan put his hands on either side of my head and knees on either side of my legs.

"Sorry," he said absentmindedly, staring down into my eyes. It was then I noticed how deep and handsome his eyes were. Then, it happened.

We kissed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 32 is out. Aren't you excited? Haha. I'm not quite sure how many chapters will be in this story. I'm thinking about 50.

Character Consultant for Josie Finn: Quizilla user OscarxThexGrouch8

Character Consultant for Alexandra Crepsley: Quizilla user NanaChan07