My Love Scent

One: USA Stalkers

Amelie Basilevsky (Lena Katina)


My parents wanted a change. They quitted their jobs, sold our house and cars and move to United States. They have forced me to leave my friends, my job and life behind for them. I am only sixteen so I have to follow. Now I’m in front of my new house, smaller but beautiful.

I can’t say I’m rich, but they always work hard to give me everything I need and want. I’m not spoiled, I’m just really loved. Tomorrow is my first day in the new High School. My parents have told me is not as big as the Russian one, but is the only one around. It was a surprised when they uncovered my “cheer up” new car. It was my dad’s idea to suborn me to move, that why I’m driving a brand new white 2010 Jaguar XFR.

I arrive to school in a white lace blouse, leather skinny pants, a knitted navy jacket and my favorite boots, teal ankle boots. Is what I will usually where in Russia, but since I step out of the car everybody looks at me like a celebrity. Staring and murmuring they make me feel embarrassed. Is not my fault they are all in jeans and t-shirts. I look at my paper and follow the instructions. At the end of the corridor go left until you pass the water fountain, the room is in front. After I enter the classroom and sit nervously the teacher suggests I stand up and talk about myself. Quickly I take my jacket off and place it in my sit as I stand up, so nobody else sits there. Looking at the floor, I am the only person wearing heels and the only person not wearing jeans. I’m not usually a shy person, but I guess everything changed because my hands are sweating. I take a deep breath and look at the teacher with the corner of my eye.

“My name is Amelie Basilevsky, I am sixteen years old and I was born Chernyakhovsk Russia and then we moved to Moscow when I was 3 months old” I say hoping the teacher will let me sit.

“What about your parents?” the teacher questions with gossip in his voice.

“My mother is Anna Basilevsky, she is a lawyer. My father is Damian Basilevsky he is a businessman. He has a medical supply company, needles, latex gloves and everything that screams hospital” I explain rapidly in a Russian accent.

“And why did you moved here?” the teacher asks. I stare at him taking a breathing deep.

“My father wanted to expand his business to United States and my mother wanted to move out of Russia.” I comment between a yawn.
“Do you understand Russian?” a girl asks from the behind.

“Da, pani mayu. Vy minya pani maiti?” I reply in Russian making her smile wide.

“Not very well, will you teach me?” She questions again.

“Niet, you can learn in the Russian class here” I try to tell her politely. Looking at the teacher he points my chair, where I sit without speaking.

At lunch break I sit alone in a lonely table with my plastic tray containing a bottle of water and a ham sandwich. Almost at the end of the break a girl sits next to me.

“Pri viet” She salutes

“Please don’t. Speak to me in English or I’ll get depresses missing Russia” I murmur sadly.

“It’s your first here, you should be making friends” She says nicely

“My name is Wandy Ray” she presents herself with a welcoming smile and then the bell rings.

“Sorry, I have to go” I apologize leaving rapidly. The rest of the day was deadly boring. I finally arrive to my lonely house and jump to bed with my shoes on. When I open my eyes I see a blonde man in front of me.

“K’to vi!” I scream terrified. He smiles in confusing

“My Russian is not that good. Talk English you are in USA” He says in a seducing voice. I remember I’m no longer in Russia, maybe stalkers are normal in this kind of place. He gets close to me, entering my bed.

“Whoever you are, leave my house now!” I scream again. He stands up and stares at me.

“How long you have been staring at me?” I question in a murmur.

“ Two hours, twenty three minutes and eleven seconds.. Straight” He says counting with his filthy fingers.

“Why don’t you have shoes?” I ask looking at his filthy feet. He disappears. I look confused around the room, wondering what happened. I freak out and leave my room.
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